what is the penalty for purchasing marijuana


Well-Known Member
like if u bought a zip from a pig what would happen to you?


norml doesnt have this stat XD


depends on the state, but if you are gonna buy pot buy it from someone you KNOW or a friends friend. it's really the only way to not only not get in trouble, but not get ripped off either

or GYO :)


Well-Known Member
ya for sure.

everyones gotta meet a dealer somewhere and for those of us that dont have friends of friends need to ask around

i assume the penalty for buying a zip isnt too extreme but would like to know anyway plz

in the northwest whats the punishment? WA, OR


Well-Known Member
go to norml and look up state law, and then see what the possession penalties are... wouldn't a cop selling drugs be entrapment? i thought they went after dealers with buyers, not the other way


Well-Known Member
go to norml and look up state law, and then see what the possession penalties are... wouldn't a cop selling drugs be entrapment? i thought they went after dealers with buyers, not the other way
entrapment? is that even a thing anymore? didnt the patriot act do something about that little loophole called rights?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
in my state you get a ticket for a hundred bucks and jack shit happens if you refuse to pay it. how many of my tax dollars and man hours went into cooking that one up? but i think purchasing and possession are two different things.


Well-Known Member
entrapment? is that even a thing anymore? didnt the patriot act do something about that little loophole called rights?
entrapment is when the police apply some pressure which would cause someone to do something they normally wouldn't do. For instance if the cop came to you and said he'd sell you a zip for $20, you could probably show that this was such a good deal that it provoked you to do something you wouldn't normally do (like buy a zip for the market value of $200-300). Cops can full on sell you drugs and bust you for buying them.

The only real no-no other than entrapment is that police can't become drug dealers, so if they know that you plan on selling something they sell you, they'd have to bust you immediately; they can't knowingly allow you to redistribute something purchased from the govt, undercover or not. Basically they can't become drug dealers themselves.


Well-Known Member
Dope Seed Order ?????????????????????????????
I ordered Dec 7 2010 and still have not received any package.
I ordered a 5 pack of Tangerine Dream and A ten pack of Purple Wreck.
He emailed me and told me the package would go out the next day.
I ordered from Attitude the same day and got both I repeat both of my packages two weeks ago.
I emailed him twice and I am waiting to here back from Jim at Dopes Seeds but still no email.
Ill keep everyone posted but I would wait on buying anything from them as of today
Umm are you confused?