What is the PH of your distilled water?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Gottcha you'se guys..

I prefer to mix my N sources to eliminate late N additions. By mix I mean to use fast, med and slow release N sources. Mix for levels of need at the point your new test batch's show need. I say this because it's simply how I had to do it too. I've got bloom soils for 3 different strain needs. Heavy feeders, light feeders and of course the common everyday average feeding strains..... These are generally N related and some P. K stays just about the same for each. I found that long running landrace and close to landrace strains are next to impossible to actually build a soil that will last the 16 + weeks. I tend to go to things like Age Old grow and bloom, mix/cut to needed ratio's, OR simply make a specific AACT with the needed nutrient included.

The AACT can be made a fine (hate this word) "booster" too. I really try and stay away from bone meals and blood meals... Some for what it can contain and other reasons too. I tend to be fussy over my sources for everything! We used to have lots of stinging nettles around......I harvest them and use them for N sources.....great stuff and "free" too! Don't have to take up garden space for running Comfrey as an amendment.

Lots of composting. Testing of your compost can give you the NPK and the list of working bio's. Worm farms are something everyone who builds soils should have. Of course being a farmer. We have a never ending supply of manures to choose from....all organic fed critters, makes for superior manures....

I guess what I'm getting at is. It's the quality of what goes in. That creates the quality that comes out.. Use the best you can get. Look around and choose. I buy equipment at the grow shop (yes and still some synthetic running - still fun to play) and source my soil contents as close to home as I can.

Look at;

Build a soil
Kelp 4 less
Dr. Earth (I like his alfalfa meal)
and don't forget the farm supply websites......

These are top of my head.....search

2.5 cents
