what is the problem?

anyone can spot the problem? it's getting worse! :-( thank you ALL for your feedbacks!

clones are 1month old
temp: 74-79
grown inside in soil
humidity: 50-60
sativa dominant strains
under flourecent lights
ph: 5.8
nutrients: Advanced Nutrients Mother Earth - applied only 1/3 of the maximum recommended



Active Member
looks like you have spider mites bro. look under ur leaves for little tiny MOVING specs, about half the size of this dot ->. if it is ya may either wanna treat them with some kinda "cide" or just get new clones (if possible) and treat thoes. likely ur buddys got spider mites in his garden. ya want good stuff grow it from seed urself from seed and KEEP it inside


Active Member
anyone can spot the problem? it's getting worse! :-( thank you ALL for your feedbacks!

clones are 1month old
temp: 74-79
grown inside in soil
humidity: 50-60
sativa dominant strains
under flourecent lights
ph: 5.8
nutrients: Advanced Nutrients Mother Earth - applied only 1/3 of the maximum recommended
I have to agree with Yoda, it does look like spider mites and the start of a PH problem. The little white specs on the leaves are a dead give away for spider mites. Is the PH you listed above the run-off or PH of the water going in? You want your run-off PH to be as close to 6.5 as you can get. Get some PHup & PHdown and adjust the water/nute solution to 7.0 before watering. Miracle grow will cause PH problems, it happened to me, so try to use organic soil or mix your own soil if you can.
thanks so much guys for your reply. 5.8 ph is what is going in

the soil is FoxFarm.

I looked very closely at the bottom side of the leaves on all of my plants and did not see anything.

The little white specs on the leaves are the residue after I last time misted my plants with bubbly water (some say it's another way of giving CO2 to plants - I am not sure), i can take them off with a sponge.

i increased my ph level to 7.0, will see what happens
