And we're back on topic! Nice job sweetiepie.I went to Dairy queen with girlfriend met a couple to talking the one was soooooo sweet...the way he touched my hair... my lips with his finger,,kissed my ear..It was game on behind the DQ ontop of his TransAm in a few very awkward positions,,Wouldn't you know it a van pulls into lot with a lil league team in it,,,Best I ever had, and I'm sure that ballteam is still talking about it..hehehehe
I somehow feel responsible.
You guys are sooooo cruel and nastybanged a chick in a clubs' bathroom..... it was a very 'high end' club too... now i know why they wear those short ass skirts...
You guys are sooooo cruel and nasty
I think we got a virgin on our hands.. Or a mormon..
You guys are sooooo cruel and nasty
I was outside the gym during a school dance...leaning against the door getting a blow job when the door fell open and I landed in the gym right on my ass with my pants down...about 10 feet behind a couple teachers. Lucky it was dark and only a few people saw. Not really a slutty thing, but a story I thought I'd share anyways.
...we were all trippin on micro-dots that night
You guys are sooooo cruel and nasty
Girls don't dress that way for no reason
..... were close.Rowlman, you little slut! lol. What school was that Waterford Mott or Denby?
Hook'n yourself out for $20 cab fare...thats not slutty at all...lolDaaaamn!
You guys definitely made me feel better. All I did was fool around with my cabdriver for five minutes. Saved myself 20 bucks in cabfare.
I was so baked with I posted this that I forgot about it immediately. Wandered back of here and spent over an hour reading everyone's replies. Holy shit!