what is this?? -pictures-


Active Member
hello just wanna know why my leafs are turning this color? i haven't givin her any nutes the soil is fox farm ocean forest, i dont know what this could be do i need to give a low dose of food next watering?

help me please any advice would be great, thanks again!



Well-Known Member
pics are terrible, need more info. take a pic of the whole plant, no way one leaf can tell us anything. Leaves wither and die if they are not being used, so if the leaf was low on the plant and not getting light, the plant may have just decided to cut off the leaf and let it die. Depending on your medium, and the size of the plant, it almost certainly needs some form of nutrients if it has leaves that large.


Active Member
well im sorry about the pics i cant take any other better ones then the ones i uploaded, i only took a pic of this leaf cause all the other leafs are perfect green, someone should still be able to point out this issue though the leaf is turning brown and crumbling to the touch, you can clearly see the brown no?


Well-Known Member
i would feed them at all till you figure out whats going on. better pics would help us help u...............................i can see the ends seem darker but thats about it......


Active Member
yes this a clone, i cut the tips of the leaf cause there where turning brown an wanted to see if it would stop when i cut the tips off, should i give her a small dose of nutes?


Active Member
ok so i took more pics, took a picture of the whole plant an a better picture of that one leaf thats giving me issues an seems like its spreadin up to the other leafs.



Well-Known Member
to me it looks like to much nitrogen, just from the darkness of everything. i`am not a dirt guy so i`ll leave the remedies to someone better qualified. but i would not feed them anything but str8 water till you get a hold of the problem. if you do it`s just going to get worse and harder to fix.


Active Member
^^right right, im not sure what the heck this could be i was thinking a phosphorus deficiency? so it could be lacking that?


Active Member
no i have never, i got this clone from the club the upper leaf next to the one thats damaged the tip of the leaf looks like its starting to turn brown from the looks of it


Active Member
beautiful girls by the way, but should i water her i haven't givin her any water since sept 11 i do the lift method an the pot does feel light as of now but idk if i should give it a very small dose of nutes with the water so my issue dont progress more?


Well-Known Member
beautiful girls by the way, but should i water her i haven't givin her any water since sept 11 i do the lift method an the pot does feel light as of now but idk if i should give it a very small dose of nutes with the water so my issue dont progress more?
What kind of soil? Did you add perlite? What kind of water? Have you used nutes before?


Active Member
im using fox farm ocean forest, it does have plenty of perlite i do ph my water to about 6.3 6.5 an yes i have used nutes before used some on my out door grow last year


Well-Known Member
im using fox farm ocean forest, it does have plenty of perlite i do ph my water to about 6.3 6.5 an yes i have used nutes before used some on my out door grow last year
With this plant, have you used nutes? Although sep 11th, that's a long time between water. Has she stop growing?


Active Member
no i haven't yet just water thats what im thinkin she's lackin is nutes, an no she hasn't stopped growing shes getting new shoots every day from what im seeing, could she be having a phosphorus deficiency? thats what it looks like if so adding some nutes help? thanks for your advice dude