what is this?? -pictures-


Well-Known Member
no i haven't yet just water thats what im thinkin she's lackin is nutes, an no she hasn't stopped growing shes getting new shoots every day from what im seeing, could she be having a phosphorus deficiency? thats what it looks like if so adding some nutes help? thanks for your advice dude
No worries, you know her. Just go easy, it's her first time. Make sure it's nice and wet. Lick it little and just try the tip...
O wait. We're talking about plants


Active Member
lmfao lolol, so should i go about adding a small dose of nutes with the water an go from there, im only gunna give her a small dose nothing medium or large right now, just wanna kill this issue or at least balance it out


Well-Known Member
healthy happy little plants man!!! they are big enough to start feeding a gentle N rich fert! All plants will shed their lower leaves when they are done with them, perfectly normal. Id use a fert with a 3-1-2 ratio or something similar at about 300-400 PPM then slowly creep the ppm up to about 700 right before u flip the lights. Then stick with the veg nutes or like a 1-1-1 for 2 weeks, then start flowering nutes.


Active Member
healthy happy little plants man!!! they are big enough to start feeding a gentle N rich fert! All plants will shed their lower leaves when they are done with them, perfectly normal. Id use a fert with a 3-1-2 ratio or something similar at about 300-400 PPM.
thanks but those plants you seen are not mine lol if you go back on this thread you will see my plant an pics i posted


Active Member
on that one leaf? yes lol im thinking its a phosphorus deficiency though, you think i should feed a very small dose of nutes to see if that corrects the issue?


Well-Known Member
cloned plants dont keep the leaves from their mom generally. The plant has grown its owen branches and is just letting that low shit that came from the mom die, your plent is perfectly happy.


Well-Known Member
You dont have a deficiency, if you did it would be effecting more than just those bottom leaves.

that being said u should start giving her some ferts if that soil isnt nutrient rich.


Active Member
really? so should i start to feed? cause i see it starting on the leaf about the one thats already damaged.


Well-Known Member
really? so should i start to feed? cause i see it starting on the leaf about the one thats already damaged.
yes, that plant is plenty big, and if its creeping up it IS likely a deficiency. You generally want to start feeding a plant when it has its first 2 sets of real leaves if the soil doesn't have nutrients. I put my veg plants in Fox Farms Ocean Forest, and they dont need ferts for months. But if its soilless like what i flower in, then they DEFINITELY need some food.


Active Member
yes, that plant is plenty big, and if its creeping up it IS likely a deficiency. You generally want to start feeding a plant when it has its first 2 sets of real leaves if the soil doesn't have nutrients. I put my veg plants in Fox Farms Ocean Forest, and they dont need ferts for months. But if its soilless like what i flower in, then they DEFINITELY need some food.
ok well i am using fox farm ocean forest too an its not a soilless mix its str8 from the bag so like you said it should still have nutes for up to 30 days right if so i dont wanna add nutes an get a major nute burn im confused if it should jus water or add nutes to the water now


Well-Known Member
ok well i am using fox farm ocean forest too an its not a soilless mix its str8 from the bag so like you said it should still have nutes for up to 30 days right if so i dont wanna add nutes an get a major nute burn im confused if it should jus water or add nutes to the water now
FFOF has enough nutes that u should not need to be feeding this quickly. I doubt it is a deficiency, i have had hundreds of clones in OF and never had an issue with nutrient def.


Well-Known Member
just sit tight, honestly from those pictures the plant looks fine, dont feed until you are sure it is a def because OF tends to run a little hot and feeding on top of it may burn


Active Member
well like i said it is moving upward to the other leaf so im guessing its some kind of deficiency, can ANYONE help me out with this please!!!!


Well-Known Member
Honestly, from those last pictures u posted they look pretty healthy. The only leaves in question looks to be the leaves the clone used to survive the cloning process. The ends of the leaves were cut to keep the plant from transpiring thus keeping the rest of the plant hydrated. From the pictures mind u, all the new growth looks healthy above and below the leaves in question. Cut them off if they bother u that much.


Active Member
Honestly, from those last pictures u posted they look pretty healthy. The only leaves in question looks to be the leaves the clone used to survive the cloning process. The ends of the leaves were cut to keep the plant from transpiring thus keeping the rest of the plant hydrated. From the pictures mind u, all the new growth looks healthy above and below the leaves in question. Cut them off if they bother u that much.
no i cut that leaf you seen to see if this brown issue im having would increase which it has, when i got this clone all the leafs were normal, i do understand what you mean about cutting the leaf an such when cloning but this is not the case an i do see it spreading upward and cutting the leafs that are affected does Not help fix this. any other ideas? thanks!


Active Member
i found a possibility on what it could be, i think it may be nitrogen toxicity from me reading the signs of it.


Well-Known Member
If your in ffof you don't need Nutes for at least 45 days

All comments and pictures posted by the entity known as packetloss314 are completely fiction and at times outright lies. All content was copied from the internet and all statements are from the mind of a lunatic