What is this plant


Active Member
I'm just getting started building a small Grow Box 32" wide X16" deep and 48" high,lined with panda film,have a 140 cfm inline fan,still have to get one or two intake fans,a can filter and I have access to a 600w HPS electronic light, have a single seedling vegging right now!
But the other day in flower bed next to my garage I see this plant growing in one of our flower beds ????
Would like all your professional opinions,Could it Be???
I don't think so,it is 12.5" high,the leaves only have 5 blades,the serrated edges don't look right,should not have flower tops should it this time of year
Wondering if it I should transplant to a differnet location or put into a pot and put it under a 600w HPS
I really dont think I could be this lucky,it is quite possible that I could have thrown some seeds in there over the last few years
Many Thanks for Looking!!!



Well-Known Member
I hope that isnt the shit that gets all spiky and poke the fuck out of you and itches like a mofo or your lungs are going for a ride.


Well-Known Member
That is def Ganja man!!!!!! Wow just wild huh.. lmao.....

better stop kidding before he roles himself a blunt of it.


Active Member
I've always wondered how it feels to be mentaly retarded...like do they know that they are handicapped or do they think they are normal. I feel sorry for them.


Ursus marijanus
I would like to know just what species that plant is. A quick search of "cannabis lookalikes" didn't enlighten me. cn