what is this??? please help! PICS


Active Member

thanks in advance...they looked REALLY good these spots started comin on....then started gettin a little droopy and yellow....any way to fix this??


Well-Known Member
Looks like you have pests... One second please... Looks like thrips. You can check to see if you have them by shaking your leaves and looking to see if there are little bugs flying around. If they are there you can spray some neem oil or other product on it but be sure to follow the directions.


Active Member
youve got some type of bug.. check your leaves, post some pics of the bottom side, get some pesticidal soap mix or whatever you prefer, spray bottom and top of leaf thoroughly so that you didnt miss any spot, rinse, then repeat once more and also change your soil out. I have never had to worry about pests with my MJ, but in the greenhouse just on random plants im always goin to war.


Active Member
blazzed have you found the cure yet i have the same problem
outside this shit will DESTROY your greens let me know