what is this?


Well-Known Member
tad too early to tell for my eyes.. i'd give it a little more time.. if it turns out to be male, no worries you have plenty of time to yank..


Well-Known Member
the lower right apears to be female (has pistils) the one on the upper left has no hairs and kinda looks like a male flower.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Yeah that one is a girl as far as I can see. on the lower right is that a white hair? If so you are good to go. I don't think it is a hermi, just you eyes playing tricks on you. Take a better look at the plant and if you see white almost transparent hairs it is a girl.


Well-Known Member
I see the pistils in the bottom preflower but as previously mentioned, it's a little too hard to tell about the top one...

Looks like a girl tho! Congrats! :)

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Slightly early to tell, as I see normal plant calyx & some branching coming out, but it does appear to be female if I am seeing correctly.

Congrats, that's always a nice thing to see! I always hate it when I have a desirable strain and start to see the sex and am not sure. Always lifts the weight off my shoulders when I see all is well. Keep her healthy and keep it up! :)


Active Member
i see the victory sign "v" out of two hairs , dont rep me rep the ones that ask for it cause it seems they need it for some reason :p