What Is This?


Ok so these plants are about a month old, they had a little trouble at the start but they've been doing great recently, that's why there a little behind.

My temps are good, always under 80 usually around 74-78. I just recently transplanted, a little over a week ago, I haven't watered since then because the soil is still very moist and there showing no signs of under watering.

There under a 400w air cooled hood with an oscillating fan on them.

I started them in FF light warrior then I transplanted into 1 gallon bags of FF ocean forest.

This is a pretty standard grow I just can't seem to figure out whats wrong with them.

Do you guys have any ideas? Oh and genetics are kalichakra from mandala.

Any help would be great thanks!



Well-Known Member
underwatering...you should give it a soak when you transplant to tell the roots to start doing stuff...just leaving it after transplanting doesn't entice the root system to keep growing...so give it a good soak(about 1/2 gallon of water) to start up the nutrients flowing, then water as normal and wait for another 3 weeks before starting to add in nutrients at 1/4 strength every other watering :)


No I have not added any nutes yet, I figured there were plenty in the new soil. And massah, I did exactly that... I watered them with about a half gallon of water for each 1 gallon grow bag right after the transplant.


No I have not added any nutes yet, I figured there were plenty in the new soil. And massah, I did exactly that... I watered them with about a half gallon of water for each 1 gallon grow bag right after the transplant.​
Feed them!


Well-Known Member
Feed'em a full dose of
Big Grow 2 tsp
Big Bloom 2tbs
You may wanna wait till
they're dry out a little if
you just water'em. Now
is a good time to top'em
if you want shorter bushier
plants. I top after the 5th
set of leaves~


I was thinking of topping but I don't want to stunt there growth anymore than it already has been. And should I also add some cal-mag as someone else said this could be a mag deficiency?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of topping but I don't want to stunt there growth anymore than it already has been. And should I also add some cal-mag as someone else said this could be a mag deficiency?
get some dolomite lime and sprinkle a few tablespoons on as a top dressing on each plant and you shouldn't have to worry about a cal/mag issue again unless your PH is off :)


I tried that on my last grow and it didn't work very well that's when I bought the cal mag and I threw away the lime so I guess ill just try the cal mag hopefully it works. If I use the cal mag should I use less nutes?