What is this?


Active Member
Please give more details about your grow buddy, then we could maybe try to help out.

Indoor/outdoor? medium? strain? age? lighting? watering schedule so far? nutes schedule so far? Since when you started to see that? what did you do just before seeing that?

Whatever you have is in its early stages so if identified early, this can have minimal impact on your plant.



Well-Known Member
Please give more details about your grow buddy, then we could maybe try to help out.

Indoor/outdoor? medium? strain? age? lighting? watering schedule so far? nutes schedule so far? Since when you started to see that? what did you do just before seeing that?

Whatever you have is in its early stages so if identified early, this can have minimal impact on your plant.




Well-Known Member
Please give more details about your grow buddy, then we could maybe try to help out.

Indoor/outdoor? medium? strain? age? lighting? watering schedule so far? nutes schedule so far? Since when you started to see that? what did you do just before seeing that?

Whatever you have is in its early stages so if identified early, this can have minimal impact on your plant.

Indoor/around 50 days veg/bag seed/miracle grow potting soil moister control/7 cfls 11,000 lumens total/water when top inch of soil is dry/very little worm castings tea/i noticed it right before i made this post/and 2 leaves did did get light burn so maybe it cause that leaf to get like that?/

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
Miracle grow alone will be cause for major problems in bloom. I'd suggest repotting into something else. Could be overferting...looks awfully dark green regardless. MG is some rlly hot soil anyhow.
*EDIT* Also, a pic of the whole plant would be a lot of help.

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
I agree with Gjs, too frequently watered. The best method I've found for watering is to pick up the pot when it's due or a watering...pick it up, get used to that weight and how it feels....then, water as usual, and you don't apply a drop of water again until the pot is the same weight it was before...this seems to be the most reliable method. The whole "Water when the top 1-2" are dry" is a bunch of crap...you can't accurately determine moisture this way.

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
Unless those spots are popping up everywhere, I wouldn't stress very much over it...if it starts spreading to all of your bigger fan leaves, then you may have a problem...


Well-Known Member
I agree with Logan. I was freaking out during my first grow over every little blemish I saw. They aren't going to always be perfect. Most of the time, it's little stuff that goes away on its own after you do things like read up on good watering habits. I think you're freakin' out, mannnnnnN! :D

The only other thing I would suspect it to be is pH fluctuations. But only if it gets a lot worse. It could possibly, possibly be the early start to a Cal/Mag deficiency. But I don't think so. I feel like it's the watering. You can always add some cal-mag, or just epsom salts, 1tsp/gallon. I don't think it would hurt anything so long as you water properly. You want to keep your eyes on newer and middle growth. The leaves that have damage most likely won't recover, but if it stops progressing and isn't on new growth, you found your culprit.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Logan. I was freaking out during my first grow over every little blemish I saw. They aren't going to always be perfect. Most of the time, it's little stuff that goes away on its own after you do things like read up on good watering habits. I think you're freakin' out, mannnnnnN! :D

The only other thing I would suspect it to be is pH fluctuations. But only if it gets a lot worse. It could possibly, possibly be the early start to a Cal/Mag deficiency. But I don't think so. I feel like it's the watering. You can always add some cal-mag, or just epsom salts, 1tsp/gallon. I don't think it would hurt anything so long as you water properly. You want to keep your eyes on newer and middle growth. The leaves that have damage most likely won't recover, but if it stops progressing and isn't on new growth, you found your culprit.
So i have not wavered since then and the spots have popped up on new leaves but its not progressing that fast. What kind of ph test should i buy from a local Wal-Mart/home depot/lowes?


Well-Known Member
So i have not wavered since then and the spots have popped up on new leaves but its not progressing that fast. What kind of ph test should i buy from a local Wal-Mart/home depot/lowes?
If you're going to buy from a retail sore and not order online, the strips are cheap and pretty effective. You dip the strip in the water you want to read, then it changes color and you match it to the provided color chart to determine the corresponding pH. I would pH the water going in (after all nutrients are added) and ph the water coming ou the bottom. A lot of people will say it' not necessary, but it really helps me personally. I like to see how the buffers are working after it comes out the other end. Example: My plants were dying once, I tested the run off, came out at 4.3 Whoa! I transplanted to better soil and ended up with over 17 ounces of dry bud off 3 plants, and 2 ounces of sugary trim. So testing the pH run off, I will always do that from there on out, LoL.