what is up RIU hello from so cal

first off thanx to the web guy that put the...

Forum: Introduce Yourself

....up on the right so i could paste it onto the Tags box LOL

ever wonder how many people get logged in on their first attempt. i mean this is R I U LOL. it takes me TWO times at least. LOL.

yo here in so cal. sending out my post tomorrow for my seeds. grow area ready . will start a log (even though i don't think people read those very much) as soon as i'm ready to germinate.

a few things about myself. i love RIU. in so cal = heaven. born in north east india. 100 miles from nepal , 50 mils from tibet, 1,000,000 miles from where i live now.a place 'older than the trees' as john denver once said so well. i love both with all my heart. marijuana grows like a weed there . it's everywhere. my grandfather told me about he "young hippies" who starting coming up in the '60's looking for 'peace'. i doubt if they found it though, that is tough mountian country. it is true the gurus/sadhus (the people in bright cloth , with long matted hair beards, barefoot, with a long stick and such) images i'm sure you've all seen. well it's not a myth they do smoke weed. all the time when they can find it.
most of these guys are a cheap benny hinn impersonater though.
very few are out looking for peace..most can't or won't work for a living and hang out at temples looking for handouts. sad i know. the tradition is that if a man has a 'born again' moment and gives up everything he owns in search of nirvana that the public should give alms to this man as his quest is a noble one. but if the jackass does'nt have anythnig to give up it defeats the whole purpose.

well that does'nt really tell you too much about myself...but i'm stoned (headband) as are you most likley. please exsuxe my spelling.

hope this was entertaining and good luck on your grow,


Welcome to RIU! My first outdoor grow was in socal. I hade some monsters there.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to R.I.U., a sanctuary where people can grow their knowledge as well as Mary Jane. Peace!