What is up with this plant


New Member
I was gifted 4 of what I was told were purple panty droppers. They were already growing when I got them and looked awful. Of the 4 two definitely started getting seed sacks. They were quickly destroyed. These 2 however showed signs of buds but the leaves look odd to me. New grower seeking guidance.



New Member
Do you think I should let them grow or cut them down? Is this normal? I have some OG growing that I started from seeds they look awesome. These two are quite odd. Thanks for sharing your insight.


Well-Known Member
I’m confused often too so….makes sense!

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and for the quick response.
If your days are getting shorter now that reveg will never make its barely starting to reveg you would need 2-3 more weeks of increasing light to get it growing normal. I would not bother with it speaking from experience.