What is wrong with my babies?

My girls are exactly 2 weeks old. They are yellowing a bit and the leaves seems to be drying out. I fed them with the Technoflora starter kit when they were about 10 days old, but the yellowing started before that.

They seem to be doing well and I have them under a 200w CFL in a grow tent.

Anyone have any idea what is going on with these ladies?


using Fox Farms OF... It is a good size for 2 weeks, its just the yellowing and shriveling leaves that are concerning me!

REP+ dude


Well-Known Member
These are hungry plants. It looks like classic N deff. so 4 or 5 days ago you fed them. How much food did you mix and of what bottles? Looks like they could use another blast. The yellowing wont reverse but the new growth will take off and the yellowing will stop spreading.

Also, where did you get a white tent?
These are hungry plants. It looks like classic N deff. so 4 or 5 days a go you fed them. How much food did you mix and of what bottles? Looks like they could use another blast. The yellowing wont reverse but the new growth will take off and the yellowing will stop spreading.
I feel like they are pretty young for nutes.... am i wrong??
thanks bro... i just transplanted yesterday and they didnt look near as rooted as your pics do... That plant seems to have some STRONG roots!!!

REP + brotha


New Member
hope you got a ph tester and just make a little batch of food for them write down how much you made and nutes added monitor plants once you see no other problems nute them every 6 - 7 days after prob your normal watering times but remember to slowly keep adding more nutes to your program and plants will love yea

PS: i read somewhere that FFOF is getting kinda crappy being there quality control is goin down the drain you could also add some hordiculture lime to your soil to help any PH imbalances
PS: i read somewhere that FFOF is getting kinda crappy being there quality control is goin down the drain you could also add some hordiculture lime to your soil to help any PH imbalances
Yeah, it seems like a lot of people have been having problems with FFOF lately... next time I think I will use some other organic soil.


Well-Known Member
everyone seems to always wait thinking plants are to young once you got a strong root system hammer them girls :)) hell i start giving them nutes when there like 2 " still under domes

Me too but people gotta argue saying you shouldn't feed them when their that small.. shiiiiiit i feed mine right from the get go..