What is WRONG with my leafs? (thanks!)


dimebag, my plants are 3 weeks old. They seem to be growing at a good pace to me, I am doing my best to keep them nice and bushy.


Well-Known Member
Hey Jamal01,

I think there might be a couple of things going on, but it's hard for me to assemble a complete picture of your situation, as details are spread throughout the three-page spread. Just FYI for the future, a first post on a plant issue should contain all facts -- age of plants, nutes used and strength, system, ph, lighting and distance from it, ppms, temperatures, etc. That plus the photos make it easier for people to help out.

I've had a couple of problems that look similar to one or another of your photos -- overnuting, nute lockout, cal/mag deficiency, and light stress (temp was fine, but light was too intense). Following my cal/mag deficiency, which I do see in a couple of your photos, I had that bronzing on the leaves. Some people thought it was a residual affect of the def, but my guess is it was from the light stress. The yellowing could be a deficiency, but it also could be a toxicity.

What are your ppms?

The fact that one plant has it and one doesn't is not unusual when growing two different strains in the same rez. The rez is either right for one or the other, but maybe not both. There's often a little differential even between two plants of the same strain. On your next grow you might want to either grow one strain or use separate bubble buckets.

Hopefully another RIU member with more grows than I've had will add to this discussion!

Good luck!


Thanks for the info krypto, I updated my initial post to include more of the information! I thought it might be light stress at first (due to the dryness/brittleness of the leaves) however even leaves shaded from light were bronzing. I used some epsom salts to foilar spray today, hopefully this helps with the issue.


Well-Known Member
That's a good start and certainly won't hurt. It won't change the damage you see, but new leaf growth will look healthy. And that's fine. Over time the leaves you see today will move lower and lower on the plant, and some of them will fall off naturally.


Well-Known Member

If you were running your ph at 5.5 for a while that could definitely lock out Magnesium. Like Krypto said, it won't fix the damage but new growth will come in good and the damage will stop. That's definitely a Mag issue. A digital ph meter would really give you an edge.

Not sure if you can see the chart or not by clicking on it, but it shows the availability of nutrients at different PH values. You can see how 5.5 would lock out Mag. It's a handy little chart.


Hey Tavid

That's an awesome chart, actually what I came across that made me use epsom salts. I still can't figure out the drooping though. Growth also seems to have slowed but I am not sure if that is typical


If you growing in soil try rasing the ph to 6 or 6.5 and use camg tohelp get the leaves healthy again.