What is wrong with my plant?



I’m getting desperate of trying to get things right. At first I thought it was nutrient lock out caused by wrong ph. I have some cheap soil ph meter and litmus papers for metering tap water and then adding ph down, but these are very inaccurate so I decided to not trust on them and started using destiled water. But after watering with distilled water for about a week and I didn’t see any improvements. Then I decided that this is nutrient deficiency because of yellowing lower leaves. As seen in the picture they are almost white now. Only those small internode leaves are green as they should be. The growth is completely stopped at least I don’t see any progress.

What is wrong with it? What should I do? Should I flush? Or wait? But it is scary because things are getting worse every day.

Strain is Automatic Lemon Skunk by Lowlife. Plant is about 2.5 week of flowering. Light is 90W CFL in 1 square feet growbox. Nutrients biobizz bloom and topmax. Soil is with organic fertilizers mixed with sand and perlite. Pot size is 3.7l. Temps are about 78 F day and 68 F at night. I’m watering every 3-4 day.

Please help!



Just sitin' and hitin' F5 :) waitin' for someone to respond. if no suggestions flushin' at 20:00 UTC time...

p.s. something is wrong with thumbnails, but picture is shown when clicking on them.


Active Member
Might be a chemical burn, or maybe you need a bigger pot, like a 5 gal, the roots need room to move and grow, either way id flush it couldnt get any worse


Might be a chemical burn, or maybe you need a bigger pot, like a 5 gal, the roots need room to move and grow, either way id flush it couldnt get any worse
Thanks. Ye i think i'll do flushing. Just came home with 10 l of distilled water. I thought about pot size, but i thought root restriction affects only grow and if there is not enough nutrients i can provide them by adding some bloom or topmax. Am i wrong? Could the root bound provide such coloring of leaves and those nasty spots? by the way i checked the root, they are bounded but not that much and only in the bottom of pot, and they look white and healthy.


Well-Known Member
I think its caused by the ph down. Too many people here are trying to keep there soil at too low of a ph. 6.8-7.0 is what it should be. Forget all those charts! Thats where I keep my ph at and my plants outgrow hydro! You can grow big plants in small pots, thats not the problem. Forcing root bound near harvest will also increase density.


I think its caused by the ph down. Too many people here are trying to keep there soil at too low of a ph. 6.8-7.0 is what it should be. Forget all those charts! Thats where I keep my ph at and my plants outgrow hydro! You can grow big plants in small pots, thats not the problem. Forcing root bound near harvest will also increase density.
Yes as i know the ideal ph is 6.8 when growing in a soil. i was adjusting for that value. my soil as written on a label is 5.5-6.5 ph. i didn't add any dolomite lime in it. but i thought watering with ph 7.0 will raise the ph of the soil and stabilize it. I don't know anything so please everyone share your knowledge!


Well-Known Member
Yes as i know the ideal ph is 6.8 when growing in a soil. i was adjusting for that value. my soil as written on a label is 5.5-6.5 ph. i didn't add any dolomite lime in it. but i thought watering with ph 7.0 will raise the ph of the soil and stabilize it. I don't know anything so please everyone share your knowledge!
LOL Its all good! What soil you using? Thats aweful low out of the bag. The water wont raise the ph much if any. The lime is what you really need to add. And Im glad to see you know about the proper ph.


LOL Its all good! What soil you using? Thats aweful low out of the bag. The water wont raise the ph much if any. The lime is what you really need to add. And Im glad to see you know about the proper ph.
It's a soil called organix, but i doubt you heard something about it. In my location there is no soil designed to work with marijuana. and it's expensive to buy from ebay etc because of a weight. So i'm just tryin'... can’t find anything organic at a neutral ph. next time i will definitely mix dolomite lime with a soil. can i somehow add it now? Flush, sprinkle on top of the soil, and then water a little again. will this be a good idea? what dosage of dolomite lime should be expecting my soil is 6.0 ph? sad that cheap soil ph meter shows shit. i should throw it out and never remember i had it. Thanks for helping it's very appreciated


Just for the record. Did the flush and hour ago. Used about 9 l distilled water. After 2/3 water used sprinkled about 30 ml (2 table spoons) of dolomite lime on top of the soil and then watered with the rest 1/3. Hope it will recover...


Almost 3 days after flush and can’t see signs of improvement. Maybe she’s looking healthier top leaves are up again but that yellowing continue progressing. Starting to appear on that small lower leaves too. And those older fan leaves fell off. I don’t know if lock out is continuing and flush didn’t help or maybe it could be deficiency now? How long should I water here with distilled water? How long should I wait for signs of improvement?

Thanks for taking time…