What is wrong with my plants! Please help

she'l smoke

Hey friends, iv ben experiencing slow growth, curling leaves at the top on 1 plant and generaly droopy leaves at the bottom and al in all stressed looking plants. This is my 1st scrog, i was using cfls until i needed the big t5 for more of an area to be covered. the growth was grand with the cfls, alot more vigorous bt now its vertualy stopped, been vegging for near 3months! yes you heard me and ben using the t5 for like 3weeks now witch is like 432watts and 35600 lumens i think. so plenty of light, very good temps as i check on them very regulary and humidity stays low could be higher givin that they are in veg but that was never a problem b4. but iv even ben compinsating for that by misting the leaves regulary

so please any1 with experiance of this im open to any critisim and advice, maybe im overlooking somthing simple. been vegging too long for the size of theese plants, will take a year to fill the screen so iv ben considering just switching 12/12 now and vegging 6 bigbang wich is already germing and using the 6 instead of 4 next time.


she'l smoke

By the way that green on my wooden frame is not mold its just a bit dirty from being outside not a problem in my opinion


Well-Known Member
either that or slightly overfed... when did you last water them? And what food have you given them?


Active Member
Those are sad looking plants. I take it they are clones. Just from looking at the pics, I am pretty sure your problem is environment along with a bit of over/underwatering and some nutrition thrown in for good measure. I have put recommended ranges in brackets so you can see how close or far you are from ideal. 10% either way will effect yields by 20% IME What is your temps (76-80), humidity(60%), air circulation(oscillating fan between canopy & light), air exchange (at least once every 4 mins). What is your soil ph(6.3-6.8), watering ph(6.3), run off ph? What nutes and how often. What water and how often? water, water, feed every 3rd day so 9 days between feed How big is the space, is it enclosed or open? Keep space as enclosed as possible to control the environment. A shelf in a warehouse is total shit control!!! Need lots of details. I share some of what SS said but I think your humidity, feed and ph will be the problems. W


Weed Modifier
they may just need a good watering ;) make it rain on them and they should drink it up... and after they perk back up... I would transplant to bigger pots, if they are as old as you are saying? how long have they been in those ones?

she'l smoke

ok im using biobizz soil, BIOGROW for now and some wormcasting seeds. they are from seed. As far as watering i dont over water i just add some when the pots feel light or the look like they myt need some, my own opinion but its out-there is that maybe my biobizz nutes wher subjected to very cold and hot temps and has went off!, although they smell ok bt cant go by that i supose. my room has a big extraction inline to ducting which i use to conect to my cooltube in flowering. i test my ph after the nutes is added and its ok, no need for ph dwn. my room has the light-tight white cover witch i leave a decent gap for passive intake. altho im growing in a loft of an insulated garage building so its hot in most of these days in the uk, but i check regulary at the temps and add more fans and circulation when nessesary and lift the t5 if needed and lower in depending on the outside climate. temps can range greatly but hardly ever go under 19 celcius and max 32. sorry i work in C but hopfuly that will provide an indication. sory if iv missed anything but i apreciate the interest fellas and ask anything you need to know.


Well-Known Member
start watering more asap. With the hotter new light and mid summer plus plants getting bigger you have to increase thier water supply, they are dying , do something. I think they will be nice if you fix this prob.

she'l smoke

ok im watering more and giving more nutes il give it a few days to see if they perk up and keep spraying the folage, i agree with you BUDS when you put it like that. would 11ltr pots not be sufficient for like the whole time without becoming rootbound??

she'l smoke

its just that the leaves was droopy after the last water to and didnt perk up since. im thinking about using new fertiliser or would love to try bat guano. isint there 1 kind with high N and a kind with high P? and is it jut the matter of puting like a table spoon full sprinkled over the soil before watering?

she'l smoke

bois i think you all where right, i feel so stupid for overlooking that they just needed loadz more water! The reason was because when under the cfls they only needed water like every week an a half and i just totaly overlooked that the new climate requiers watering everyday now. Thaught i was overwatering by only giving it every 4 days but relise now its the more the beter because of the fans and low humidity.

I totaly split one of my best branches at the node and dont want to loose it but dont want to clone it ether. its stil sort of attatched to the stem and im trying to keep the split as close together as i can. Tryd using a drop of clonex on the injury maybe that will help to heal it.. i hope anyway so we'l see how it goes