What is wrong with my seedling?


Well-Known Member
Your stem is purple, so it’s too cold, and the light is too powerful for the reaction to occur in the cold so it hurts the leaves. Increase temp. Wow looks like you fixed it. What was it? More N?
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Your stem is purple, so it’s too cold, and the light is too powerful for the reaction to occur in the cold so it hurts the leaves. Increase temp. Wow looks like you fixed it. What was it? More N?
Switched to gen hydro trio 3 part feeding plan with calmag.. and it all goes away. The temp now is somewhere 24c-25c should I increase temp? If I increase temp should I increase the light intensity currently its on 350-400par


Well-Known Member
Time to mention your lights ? led? Some say to run the temps in LED higher, 28 they say. But keep in mind humidity. I think the plants look fine. Maybe don’t change anything. But try letting it get hotter now. Then cool down in flower.