What is wrong with my White Widow plants? PLEASE help.


Well-Known Member
Use a mild nutrient. Not straight distilled water, this can leach nutrients from the plant. Give em a few days. That set of burnt leaves were needed to support the growth of the next set. Without them the plant is going to struggle. Give it time. Be patient and consistent. Once that new set of leaves is out, it should start to pick up a little more steam. Looks to me like your giving her a little too much attention.

Also unless your roots have gotten into the hydroton, your rapid rooter shouldn't always be soaked. Make sure it's allowed to get some air.


Well-Known Member
yes. make sure to adjust ph if needed. You said there's some new growth if it looks good, then let her do her thing. A couple sets of leaves and you can ramp things up a bit. If your doing CFL only, you'll likely always want to feed on the lighter side.


Awesome advice/info. Thanks everyone. You're right, I think I have been giving them too much attention. Some nice new leaves have formed, looks good. My roots are white and huge. Hopefully things are getting back to normal. I noticed when I added the nutes the other day, they turned my water a dark purple/brown. I just remembered that. I know this isn't supposed to happen. I also remember I didn't shake up my bottle of nutes before I added them. I really overdid it. Will give them some time and add a mild solution. Thanks again!!


Well-Known Member
Now don't be afraid to ramp it up a bit when needed. Shake up those nutes! GH usually uses has an orangeish brown tint to the mix. This is normal. Once you have a couple of sets or leaves things will move much faster.