What is your age and how many people have you slept with?

All I can remember is that I had more acid trips than pussy. In fact, I don't give a shit about how many times I've been laid or tripped, it's always about the last one anyway.;-)
Ok, I was raised by a Biker who rented rooms out to dancer's always the one to come home with a hottie.No shit.Still fuckin do and I hope it goes on forever but it does get to the point to where ya get a little bored so I'm a freak.Make 2 or 3 ladies get all freaky because with 2 or 3 ladies I'm not going to be much help anyway.I go all night though.But I posted because I wanted to tell you fellas two rules.One for the older fellas and one for the younguns.My Father told me when I was growing up that they should make tires outa pussy because ya cant wear it out.....My Uncle who was also a Pimp said Use it or Lose It.Meaning if you stay in a relationship that isn't sexually satisfying your dick will DIE.Take it anyway ya want it.There will be a test tomorrow fukr's.