what kills fungus gnats and thier larva?


Well-Known Member
Does azatrol work? Ive got some but havnt really used it for these gnats. I saw a larva crawling in one of my jack herer seedlings so some action has to be taken. Any other suggestions would be great.


Well-Known Member
Try picking up some "Gnatrol". Works wicked for getting rid of the larvae aswell, without effecting ur plant.
Hope This Helps - XxNinjaxX :joint:


I had a gnat prob I put screen in the bottom of my pots then a inch of perolite on top of the screen the gnats were going in the bottom of the pots covered the top with sand and mixed in beneficial nemetodes to all my soil. I didnt see a gnat after a week of doing this.. I tried everything else and it just slowed them down before the beneficial nemetodes killed them off