What kind is it


Active Member
hi i was wondering what kind of pot i have i think its chronic but im not sure

it light green in little nuggets bout the zize of penny there isnt any seeds i think ther might be one stem and its got a strong stinky smell

if anyone could help me ot it would be much appreciated


New Member
Send it to me and I will let you know in a week or so when im done testing these other ones. Are you serious bro?


Well-Known Member
alaskan hydro grown under the snow with a heater to melt the ice.

i dont think anyone can help you, its just good weed if it works for you.



Well-Known Member
Hey guys Im growing this plant can you help me find out what it is? It has green leaves, similar to the color of grass, and its up to my neck. It also has white pistils growing all over it. What strain is it?

You have to put a pic or something but even then it will still be hard to tell.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys Im growing this plant can you help me find out what it is? It has green leaves, similar to the color of grass

Ur mean jk

Now no one can tell u cuz we can't smell it. Not even if you describe the smell

Best bet ask ur dealer but they usally make names up
just be happy u have chronic and not swag


Well-Known Member
i love when dealers make up names. lol i remeber my favortie was Bannana Boat or some shit
My fave was called Swampweed LOL. Killer stuff scrawny gold buds that would choke you to death and make you laugh so much you couldn't even walk.


New Member
I think ol dilweed did this as a joke. Atleast I hope so because this has to be one of the dumbest threads ever!


Well-Known Member
haha my favorite was "malnourished gangsta weed" haha its scronny weed but strong ass helll lol good dayz


Well-Known Member
haha my favorite was "malnourished gangsta weed" haha its scronny weed but strong ass helll lol good dayz
My fav is the "Florida Beach Bag Bud". If you ever spend some time in FLA I'm sure you will hear the story of the Pot Smugler who had to ditch MILLIONS LOL of pounds of weed cause his boat was going to be boarded by the feds. Yet the garbage bags of dope still seem to be washing up on the shores of FLA even though it's been about 20 years since the guy dumped the cargo lol


Active Member
hmmm....? well lil buddy im thinking its prob flamin afgan gorilla F.A.G for short
first off, where did you get this seed. second, if it's bagseed, most likely you won't be able to know it's strain just by looking at it. third, your first description of your plant is very vague for any of us to make a judgement.


Well-Known Member
lol this thread is a fuckin joke
it reminds me of myself at 14 discusing with my friend what kind of pot we where smokin behind the gym
we whould make up names for it like rock candy or diamond dank even tho it was some shity brown shwag......... those where the days


Well-Known Member
It's fucking funny, though. Me and a buddy who I get pot from were sitting around just last week talking about the shitty half pound of brick we were smoking on, and we laughingly thought of making lables on the computer and tagging the bags....y'know...."Mexican 420+Columbia Red 07" or "supreme brickus maximus".......some such shit...maybe then he could actually make someone want that nasty dirt shit as oppossed to buying it becauae there is nothing else around!!! LOL