What kind of bug problem is this?


Active Member
Heres a pic of an eaten leaf, theres only a few, its not a HUGE problem, but i'd like to know what is causing it so i know what to do next year.

thanks, peace :joint:



Active Member
hmm picture is kinda blurry but doesnt look like a major problem but for next year mix up some neem oil and dish soap spry for a all natural organic pesticide and insectide that you can spray every other week to avoid just about all bug problems


Active Member
i know, sorry its a cell phone camera, only 3mega pixels and i dont think it likes doing close ups lol. okay thanks, ive heard that before... where do i get neem oil!? what is it? lol


Active Member
thanks. any explanation on the neem oil?
is there anything else that i can use , household to kill these bastards?
i found some beige coloured slug chillen munchin on a leaf today, it was small, smaller than pinky nail.
thanks guys


Well-Known Member
not spider mites

i say slugs, i had some slugs this year and they can do a pretty good amount of damage

sprinkling diatamecious earth around your plants will help control slugs

also put out a bowl full of beer, the slugs are atracted to the beer and will drown in it


Well-Known Member
SLUGS! lol ive been dealing with them cocksuckers for years, best way I find is to apply slug bait to surrounding area of the plants, and re apply every 2-4 weeks.