What KIND of moisture stress is this?

Ok so now that I have gotten the plant to perk up, its leaves have gone funky. In my opinion its some kind of moisture stress, possibly the fact that its right by the light and I don't know how often its watered. (Its hard trying to grow a plant through a third party)

I think its needing more water?

HELP!!! Yikes.

It went from this on Sunday

To this yesterday morning



Well-Known Member
Heat man the light is too close well infact the light is not too close the room is just not at all built right[shit] get an exstractor fan if it is in a small area just for clone's use one that they use in kitchens or batrooms just to pull a little of that heat out and then get a fan inbetween the plant and the light.man why did you not do any research at all this plant is a gonna i can normaly save plant but even i would struggle with this one.the leaves are that chared that they will crisp in your hand like dust.
You're kidding me right? The leaves are not charred at all, the light has only been that close for one day, and its all still green lol... you can't see charring in a damn cell phone pic and thats the best he can get me at the moment. It has only been inside for 2 days tops and it looks a shitload better than it did. I DID NOT expect to be growing this plant, Its just mid grade, possibly dirt shwag that had been growing in a sunflower pot. Please watch the tone, man, because I don't really apriciate it without you having no knowledge of my growing situation. This plant, is an experiment plant... I had 5 more shwag seeds germing, as testers as well, because I do plan on growing medical in the near future.

Unless you can give me some real advice, please just keep that shit to yourself.

I will get it some ventilation. The light was moved to about 8 inches away this morning.. what else can I do? I will try and get a better photo.