What kind of nutes recommended for an indoor soil grow?


I've been growing Bullrider in rockwool, which hasn't been working out very well, so I was going to pot them in soil.

I was thinking about using Miracle Grow with moisture control, and I was wondering what you guys recommend for nutes.

Right now they've been vegging for four weeks, but they're really small....and a recent ph (or nutes?) disaster has almost killed them, so I'm going to pot them in soil as a last ditch effort to save them.

I appreciate your thoughts!

Sir. Gonzo

New Member
Fox farm light warrior for seedlings & clones and fox farm ocean forest when repotting. They also have a 3 Pack nute system that I'm using now also and it's pretty good.


Gonzo--do you think Organic soil is better as well?

What is the advantage of using Organic soil--does it taste better? What about bugs?