What kind of Reverse osmosis better 2 stage or 5 stage


Well-Known Member
You probably don't need either. Is your water chlorinated or particularly bad?

RO filters generally have bad through-put, and are almost always overkill. You can get sediment filters, water dechlorinator, water softeners, ect. Plants don't need perfect water.
was about to ask the same question,not a lot of feedback here is there a better thread out there? I was wondering if you are using the 7 stage and re-introducing calcium and magnesium is this better than using epsum salts or Cal-Mag? also does the Mineralizer add sufficient amounts?
Here is the data from the one I am looking at.

o Ca2+ - 34 mg/l
o Mg2+ - 12 mg/l
o Na+ - 22 mg/l
o K+ - 8,5 mg/l
o CO32- - 10 mg/l
o SO42- - 0,3 mg/l
o Cl- - 0,8 mg/l
o F- - 0,06 mg/l

Peace =)