What kind of scope do u use


Well-Known Member
And here a shot, taken with just the lens and iPhone. No app.

I've only zoomed in a tiny bit cos my hands are not very steady :(


So I ordered the Zorb also to compare. The Zorb does not zoom in as close as the Zpix 300, but it definitely zooms in enough. I was having to use the Zpix on the lowest zoom to be able to hold it steady enough and get images and video that I could see. The Zorb has a little attachment cone that you put on. Once you focus stuff in at the end of the cone then you can move the cone to your plants and it is so much easier to get images and video. Hands down the Zorb is way easier to use. It makes it so in just a few seconds I can look at a flower and see the tri's and assess their readiness whereas with the Zpix it would take a a lot longer to get a view. The Zorb only has one magnification rate of 65x but it really seems like enough. The Zpix lowest is 85x and goes up from there. Anything over the 85x if you are holding it in your hand was nearly impossible to get in focus.