what kind of soil should i use


Well-Known Member
Depends on the soil, lol maybe go get a bag of Happy Soil, time release organic, dig a giant hole and fill it with the bag of that.

20 bucks at lowes and home depot and most nurseries.


Active Member
I know i dont have many posts but wow dont do use miracle grow; i know that for sure.. And for rozidays dont recommend that shit to anybody else here if you care about other human beings. I hope you realize you just told someone that probably smokes for medical reasons to contaminate their lungs and blood with synthetic man made chemicals. Dude if u want good soil go to the organics section of this forum(hence the name ORGANICS) anyways i would recommend two things for you sir. I am currently using a custom mix of Happy Frog(you can find this in just about any cities feed store, nursery, or whatever) and a soil mixed by my local nursery, jamaican bat guano and earthworm castings! This will get good results; i promise bc i see them everyday lol. The earthworm castings and guano are pretty important things. If your hurting for $ then i recommend harvesting your own castings(its free :weed:). Again im sure u can find some guano in a city somewhere around you with a little research online, phonebooks, word of mouth, etc. Now the recipe for the local nursery mix is Canadian Sphagnum peat moss, dolomitic limestone(for ph adjustment; i can add a ton of all the other shit listed and run off still 6.5), gypsum and alot of chunky perlite. Now the Happy Frog(by fox farm) contains alot of beneficial ingredients as listed: Composted forest humus, sphagnum peat, perlite, earthworm castings, bat guano, humic acid, oyster shell, and dolomitic lime. The most important thing thats usually not listed in the ingredients but should be somewhere on the bag is Mycorrhizae. The mycorrhizae is basically good bacteria, fungus, etc. Just like your body has good bacteria fighting the bad bacteria. The humic acid is also very very important as it breaks down micronutrients for the plants consumption. Which leads to my next point; soil always needs to establish itself. It takes time for all of the microscopic growth, break down of matter, etc so its best to let your soil sit for atleast a couple weeks first preferrably a month. Ill put it this way if your cooking someone a meal and you half ass everything, the results will be half ass and an unhappy person. If u dont put care into this youll be wasting time money and effort..and dna. So im gonna be nice only because i care about your medical grow and give you a hand out

heres a link to the organics section..no reason you shouldnt visit now..

I got you a good starting foundation. Do your research and dont be afraid to read.
Good luck with your grow and results buddy. Happy medicating.
Go with black gold !!! Black and orange bag, npk is zero... Going to be all organic and will be controlled by you!! Don't have to worry about burning your plants because of the spoil.


Well-Known Member
this was my speciality years ago outdoors, little money and nature provides
depends on your forest, some soils can be good, others not so much
the best are near a stream where you get spring flooding, those areas can be very rich soil
free nutes wash over the area and build up


Well-Known Member
this was my speciality years ago outdoors, little money and nature provides
depends on your forest, some soils can be good, others not so much
the best are near a stream where you get spring flooding, those areas can be very rich soil
free nutes wash over the area and build up
Agreed, just dig deep until you find some rich black soil. If there is lots of thriving plants in the area there is most likely good soil underneath.