What kind of test shall I do this year?


Well-Known Member
Last summer I did a fun little experiment with plants of the same strain but trained and grown differently. Thread for that below

I'm not quite sure what kind of experiment I want to go with this year. So I am asking the community for ideas.

One thought I had was 2 clones from the same plant. 1 grown with Fox farms trio while the other is grown organically with Dr earth and added mycorrhizae.

Another idea I had was ffof vs recipe 420 soil both done with Dr earth and clones.

All ideas welcome!

Thanks in advance.
Tackle all the old bro science stuff!
Take a copper wire and stab it through the stem in the middle of flower on one and not the other lol

obviously I’m joking but could be fun to try different methods with clones from the same plant.
Last summer I did a fun little experiment with plants of the same strain but trained and grown differently. Thread for that below

I'm not quite sure what kind of experiment I want to go with this year. So I am asking the community for ideas.

One thought I had was 2 clones from the same plant. 1 grown with Fox farms trio while the other is grown organically with Dr earth and added mycorrhizae.

Another idea I had was ffof vs recipe 420 soil both done with Dr earth and clones.

All ideas welcome!

Thanks in advance.
One thought I had was 2 clones from the same plant. 1 grown with Fox farms trio while the other is grown organically with Dr earth and added mycorrhizae. ( I was going to with breathing under water but that's old now)
Basic nutes vs. a shitload of supplements.
One issue with this. I am only going to end up with 6 plants. Which means I really don't want to fuck one of them up as it cuts a large % of weed from my grow.

Plus haven't we been shown that answer by countless people who were tricked into buying entire lines (the dirty dozen from fox farms).

Which if I used that entire line for example I would have to flush every 4 weeks to remove all the salts built by 9 unnecessary extra things lmao.
Recharge/mammoth p/tribus are products that take beneficial bacteria and fungi to help make the soil work for you. It’s all about diversity and recharge seems to have a bit. I really like the fact that it has trichoderma reesei. It seems to work well.

Mycorrhizae is just one certain type of fungai

back of Rechargeimage.jpg