What kind of weed is this????


Well-Known Member
I usually only buy kush....but my girl wasnt able too hook from our regular dude....i alway let her buy the erb cause mad fools like her and think shes hot....so they give her great deals....neways... she got an eight for 40 of some bomb...the dude said it wasnt cron or kush....sum medical strain.....40 much less than i usually paid... the bag looked small... but the nugs were tuff too break..didnt smell that bomb... i hint of lovelyness....it was real compressed like....check it out...its a crazy nice buzz.....



Well-Known Member
hey specialist..... im sorry we got of to a bad start...Im kind of crazy sometimes....i do shit just to do it... i love debating people and discusing arguements....dont mean arguing in the sense of fiighting or being disrespectful.....but by FINDING OUT the true meaning..... analyzing two points of view to see things from two dif perspects...unkow....to get down to the truth....

yall might not know this but me an grow have been on alot of the same threads....and disagree alot.... I tend to give him shit....mess with him.... basically for fun, a laugh , but mostly cause i want to show the othe r side of story....

Ya maybe i went to far and started saying mushrooom cloud laying muthafucka lines... and he and an other dude got me ian infraction....but its cool... Im trying not to be the evil and tyranny of wicked men....im trying to be more like the shepard....i



Well-Known Member
hey specialist..... im sorry we got of to a bad start...Im kind of crazy sometimes....i do shit just to do it... i love debating people and discusing arguements....dont mean arguing in the sense of fiighting or being disrespectful.....but by FINDING OUT the true meaning..... analyzing two points of view to see things from two dif perspects...unkow....to get down to the truth....

yall might not know this but me an grow have been on alot of the same threads....and disagree alot.... I tend to give him shit....mess with him.... basically for fun, a laugh , but mostly cause i want to show the othe r side of story....

Ya maybe i went to far and started saying mushrooom cloud laying muthafucka lines... and he and an other dude got me ian infraction....but its cool... Im trying not to be the evil and tyranny of wicked men....im trying to be more like the shepard....i

Forgotten. Lets start fresh shall we? I don't mind someone debating my comments... I just don't like being called names. Not that my feelings get hurt or anything. I've been called every name in the book (especially since I frequent web forums where verbal attacks are the theme of the entire board)... but here at RIU, it doesn't seem appropriate ya know? I hold my tongue and refrain from insulting others... and I expect the same from them as well (especially since its against the rules here). Anyway, I appreciate your willingness to admit that you went overboard. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
This is prob the funniest thread ev.... but nobody guessed right.......I need to find a prize 4 the one who can name that nug..


Active Member
looks like the blueberry thats going around in toronto most of the jews usually carry it 130$ a half o 250 an o i love chopping that weed when its a little dry:-P