What kind of weed is this?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Congratulations! You just supported the Drug War. Now come and get your prize!

What do you mean you don't want human body parts in a bag?


A freind of mine who ownes a dispensary put some of that shit under a powerful scope. It was full of bugs, feces, dirt, and the nastiest junk you can think of. They also use chemicals that you'd be shocked to know are in that. YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUkKKKKKKKK!

That shits going in the bin...


Well-Known Member
Lol this is really funny. Was this a joke post?
I don't think so. When I first looked at the picture I didn't even think it was bud, well it isn't, it's brick. But I really thought it was a brownie or something until I looekd closer haha.


Dirt weed. I have not see it like that for 30 some years. probably from Mexico. I am surprised they even try to get it across the boarders anymore. CA is battling the growers that use public land and arm themselves with automatic weapons. No boarder to deal with.