What kinda yeild should i exspect outside?


Active Member
I am gonna grow outdoors this year and only wonna try and grow enough to last me a whole year, and after doin some math i think i will need 4.5 lbs. I dont wonna grow too much either because i dont sell and want to grow for personal smoke. So what is a good average yeild i could deal with, this way i can calculate how many plants to grow. Any advice appreciated.


Well-Known Member
depending on where you live, ive grown plants that yielded 3-5 pounds. just depends on a number of things: season length, location, soil, water, etc. find a good sunny spot and plant early to get a good yield


Active Member
Well im in eastern Kentucky, and my season lengh prolly last from mid april-late october. I plan to use them big 10 gallon pots and some organic soil. And ima try to water as much as needed and use fert atleast twice a week.