what light for one plant


help i can't read any more about lights so i wont some advice i clone under a 110w starlight veg under it for about 6 weeks until 4" rockwool cube are rootbound then place on upside down plastic saucers with square cut out just smaller than 4" when roots start to hang though upside down saucer place on nft tray with saucer (saucer stops rockwool getting to wet) then veg with 400w mh for 3 weeks then 400 hps in same room
i want to cut out the 3 weeks 400w mh so with limited space have built some small veg rooms so need lots of new lights but to put a 400w mh over each plant will be very expensive to run
so what light if i have one light per plant would be the best to get the same result as mh before i move them to flower room.


Well-Known Member
The electricity will be cheaper using Cfl, HiD or LEDs.
Their are many ranges of watts in cfl. Like the small ones, that usually are around 18W 20W 24W 36W 48W. There is more but that all i know atm.
Bigger ones that uses the E40 sockets run around 130W/200W/250W. If i were to buy the 250W and Veg my plant for 18Hours a day one month. It would cost me close to $20.25 in AUS. They create less heat and less electricty bill = THUMPS fken UP


Thanks smallsn i got a 250w cfl i am growing three as a experiment one under250w cfl,one under 110w starlight (2x55w philips tubes) and one under 2x18w growlux tubes if anyone intrested i will keep this going for a bit and put up some pics


oh well no intrest but for anyone who reads this looking for advise aswell the growlux 18w x2 was a waste of time, the star light grew avarage,the 250w cfl grew best so if im going to use 250 watts of power might aswell use 250w hetal halide
so to veg i am going to use 1 x 250w mh per plant


Well-Known Member
Dude, for one plant in veg stage one 100w (32w I think) equivalent daylight bulb will grow a nice plant. Once it starts bushing out you can add a couple more.