What looks to be going on???


Active Member
My plant has been in a Veg. state for 3.5 weeks now.Outdoors. It is 14-15 inches tall and lookin very healty. It is in a 5 gallon pot, FoxFarm soil (ocean forest), i have fed it once with Super Natural Gro terra (half the recomended amount), and when planted i used Super Thrive. I fed it 6 days ago with the Gro Terra(half recomended dosage), and 2 days ago with half the amount of Super Thrive. I had a few spider mites or even aphids land on my plant and i have been spraying the leaves and underleaves with water and a very light amount of dishsoap, then re spraying again with water. All at night time with no sun out. all bugs gone. plant looks GREAT EXCEPT FOR THIS SHIT!!!! (ph is @ 7.2, not over watered, temps have been getting into the 95+ lately, and it has only been getting 8 hours of direct sunlight.) why do i have brown spots?



Active Member
Definitely going to need a second opinion because I'm not sure. 95 is high though, I'd recommend spraying the leave with water on those hot days if you haven't. You may be watering enough but when it's that hot out it's tough for the plant take in enough water not to dry out and keeping the leaves wet can help. May not be the problem at all, figured I'd throw it out there though. :-P

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
looks like bug bites...and slightly over watered....ur usin same nutes as i do, as long as ur only using half dose (and dont feed too often) while theyre small u should be fine.....that being said, if ur only getting 8 hrs of light u might as well start switching to the bloom nutes and get ready


Active Member
It is in only 8 hours of sun because i am vegging in the shade until about 4.5 weeks. once i get there i will place in location to get 12+hours of direct sunlight. But before i do that i need to found out my problem. I highly doubt overwatering is the case, i live in hot/dry conditions and i water about twice a week. I think it might be a Magnesium build up between my soil/nute combo. other than that, i am clueless. could it be my plant is trying to flower and i am feeding it veg. nutes and that there is a lack of nutes instead of too much?? i am lost here, everything looked healty until about 6 days ago when i started spraying the leaves with water because of dry/hot conditions (which was very light, and a mist not a spray, and it was at dark) It has healthy new growth at the top 5 inches, all damage looks below the 5 inch line. stem is green, and only about 15% of the leaves are showing signs of brown spots and blotches, and only new growth is curling downwards (not all, but some). Let me know if you have any answers.


Active Member
i have left everything as is, not spraying the leaves the last four days. No signs of bugs ,but spots are getting larger and it is spreading slightly but not as rapid as the first 3 days. i will take picture tomorrow. i am hoping it was just a little nute burn, and ill be lookin healthy in 2-3 days.


Well-Known Member
i've heard that the supernatural nutrients are horrible

My buddy used them in hit hyrdo set up and it left a salt like residue all over his hydroton and his plants had complete nutrient lockout.

he has since changed his nutrient line and the plants are doing awesome.


Active Member
after 4 weeks of using Super Natural you are supposed to use a flush treatmeant, if not you will get that. ive only used it twice on my plants, both very low doses. 1/2 recomended use maybe even a 1/4. but no one can pin point my problem??


Active Member
not using hydro, soil only. thats crazy. it adjusts your ph for you naturally, thats why i used it. can you tell exactly what my plant is doing by looking at these update pics


Well-Known Member
i think it is a culmination of things...you said you had bugs, but now they are gone...i can tel you whatever you have or been feeding it has been too much. everyhting in soil takes a bit longer to react. i'd say (taking the early bug damage into consideration) that it is just making the effected fan leaves worse by over fertilizing. everything i saw up top "newer growth" didnt look effected at all. i would def. cut down on how much and often you feed. dont expect the effected growth to recover just look at new growth for answers. shes pretty.


Well-Known Member
maybe worth it to give her a good flush anyway...get rid of some of the salt build up, and get her ready for the flowering ferts.


Active Member
thanks gobskiii. much appreciated. i thought it was over fed, and yeah your are right everything in soil does take longer to react. i did give it a good flush yesterday, and ill keep you updated. This is not the end of the world right? i mean there is still hope for some nice flowers?


Well-Known Member
looks like burn from water/soap and bit too much water.
ive had similar from my dog pissing on them !! soap left on them looks the same though


Active Member
alright, thanks. I did spray it 3 times in onew week with soap and water to get rid of the little gnats or what not i saw on the leaves. now there gone and i got burns. i havent sprayed them with soap and water for about 5 days now but the brown discoloration is spreading but not as fast???


Well-Known Member
ya...it seems like once a fan leaf is infected with something like that it continues to spread...case in point. i used an old simple green bottle, and didnt know there was the slightest left over residue in the bottle, and it spread like wild fire. no matter what i did...it was weird.