Imo a good woman is a lot like mine. We are Jewish and with that comes certain duties on both parts, it is my pride to support and provide for her and she has givin me two beautiful children. But at the end of the day she knows when im hell bent on an idea sometimes she needs to just stand behind me and ride it out. Nature made the man the strong dominate one for a reason. The only time my word trumpet hers 100% is saftey. Otherwise she gets a fifty fifty say. I can't begin to count the times she has talked me out of some real dumb shit. I think that's why she is a good woman. Not weak but able to play weak when my confidence needs a boost or when I just need to feel like a man, you know strong in charge etc. But at the same time can say "you are being a jackass" lol. She should have her life and not depend on me for entertainment. She should also know that there are certain needs a man has, and that men are animals and if those needs aren't met a man will find a way, not saying I cheat. With her I never have. But a huge pet peev of mine is violence, I can't stand a girl who wants to fight, I have had girls that want to punch before and i know ill catch hell for this, but if you punch a man in the face your gonna get it back. Thank G-D my wife never has. Wow what a ramble sorry I'm really stoned like giggle till I cry high, It's been awhile since I've been this baked.