what makes the best mother plant?seed or clone


The word "clone", in fact, is scientifically incorrect.. it was just a name adopted by growers over time. The correct term used to describe a "clone" is simply a Cutting. Cuttings do have the ability to change over time based on the overall ability of the grower, whether that be for better or worse.
As for the original question of whether its more beneficial to start from seed or "clone", i would have to say neither is the right answer.. I love starting from seed due to the fact that when its time to harvest I get the overall sense of accomplishment in knowing I turned that one little seed into the beautiful, bountiful plant standing tall in front of me.. But at the same time starting from a cutting(clone) has the obvious advantages of no germination time and guarenteed female..
I am a firm believer that you could grow a product just as well from seed as i could from clone of the same plant, and visa versa.


Well-Known Member
My current mother is a clone, from a clone, from a clone. Originally seeds were planted over two years ago and my current batch in flower is from this mom. Unless you're using feminized seeds you won't know if you have a mother until you flower. Then you either have to put her back into veg or have to have taken a clone from her to use.

Plant some seeds, take cutting from all and whatever plant produces the best, that cutting becomes your mother.


Well-Known Member
I shouldn't even give you the attention your so pathetically yearning for, but I'm going to anyway because your temper tantrum amuses me. One more time for the slow kid in the back... ;) A clone taken from a plant grown from a seed, would be exactly the same as a clone taken from a previous clone of the initial plant. Here, I will even give you a diagram... A ---> B ---> C (simple) A is your mother plant grown from a seed. B is a clone taken from A. Now say you grow B to become your new mother plant. Now you take a cutting from B and get C as your new clone. Your new clone "C" is 100% genetically the same as "A" was. I don't understand how you can't understand. That is why they call it a clone man.
Bahahaha! That was the most sound response given on this thread. Most comical as well. Thanks for the lulz, and for stating facts. If any of these hobby growers would have just Googled the word "clone" it would be understood (you would think)...then again, some folks feel a need to spread misinformation/disinformation because they 'think' they know. Buffoons.


Well-Known Member

ever heard of clone only strains? we got clone only's here in the UK that have probably been around longer than you (judging by the maturity expressed in your post's)

saying you know more than 99% on this site, i doubt is true, but if it were, i wouldent be too proud of that, because people like you seem to be quite common on this site....

Clone / Seed, who gives a fuck, they both gunna treat you good, if you look after them :) i have mothered using both, never to ill effect, and have found it a good way to keep a strain i enjoy going longer.


Well-Known Member
Beating a dead horse on an old thread. Seeds, clones, whatever gets you through the night. What do you have more of, seeds, branches, time or money? Basically it all comes down to time and money. If you got one plant and no money and all the time in the world, then that plant will clone a hundred others. Be it coming from a seed or a cutting. Has anybody ever observed nature and see that some branches will fall off out in the woods into some loomy soil, take root and create a brand new tree or bush or plant or whatever. It's by any means necessary to survive in the plant kingdom, so if a tree drops a seed and it grows, or it drops a branch and clones itself, its still part of the same tree. It will always vary which will be better to some people's own minds.


Well-Known Member
You do not want to be cloning from clones that have been cloned.... it weakens the genetics over time.... Yes it takes longer to grow a seed up to a mother and yes there is the chance that a seed will be a male, but that wasn't the question at all........... My response is not my opinion, it's factual truth
Did you read some one's opinion some where and take it as gospel?
Where can I read about this "factual truth?"
How does taking a clone from a clone weaken the genetics?
What do you mean by that?


Well-Known Member
Like I said before, comedy! To the original poster.... If you do not believe yet that seed isyour answer... Just go ask Earl orr FDD2bck... As long as there are ignorrant people on here missinforming you, you will never know what to believe..... This moron up above is telling you that you can clone from a clone over and over again and there is no brakedown.... again,growing 101 shit that I can't even believe I am arguing about with someone in here.... Aztros... Go read a book.... You are way ot of your league when you don't even know the basics and talk like you are homegrown........ KOOK

Could you explain your opinion or do you just want to be a douche?
Can you explain how genetics degrade and how they degrade in one generation?
I would agree that a seed would make a slightly better plant than a clone, what with the tap root. For a mother, how does that make a big difference? how many clones are needed each month from this plant?

For someone calling people ignorant and stupid, you really do not have a good command of grammar, spelling and English.

You bark a lot.


Im no pro by any means....but i found the best results for me is to grow a plant from seed. See the results at harvest time and if you like the plant save some small buds on it and put it back in the veg room. My mothers are re-vegged plants that were proven to be good producers.
Also....very easy to clone re-vegging plants. I can have roots in 3-5 days compared to 8-12 days it takes to clone my other non re-vegged plants!
Different strokes for different folks but this works great for me! Re-vegging plants dont grow as fast or get as big and i think the hormones it has are very easy to clone...for me anyways!