What makes you more scared

What makes you more scared

  • Fucking toking with weed in the car and having a cop pull up!

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Sober and doing the speed limit with plant it car

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Fuck this popo, i make my own laws

    Votes: 12 50.0%
  • to high to understand all this

    Votes: 3 12.5%

  • Total voters


New Member
Ok so what makes you more scared

Having a police car tail gate you after you been smoking thinking your busted or carrying around your plant in your car to transplant it when you know your doing everything legal to try and not get pulled over
I don't toke and drive and carry at the same time. I get way too paranoid. I'm cool when I'm sober.

I do it to often. 95% of the time i always have my bowl in my car <.> not always smoking but its just there if i ever need it. However one time i made a turn and i thought i squealed my tires really loud and some cop starts tailing gating me as close as possible, me and my friends had weed, bowls, bags everything i thought we was fucked for sure! So i started driving hella careful but he never pulled me over found out it was him who squealed the tires... i had never been more scared in my life than that moment!
I would say looking at it scares me the most, I mean would you just look at it? Just look at that!
I hate driving while im carrying but i do it when I must.
I dont mind driving high as long as its later and there isn't alot of traffic.

I never do both.

Ive recently found a guy who delivers so its actually worked out for me.
Driving while in drag, smoking a joint with a plant sitting in the passenger seat at an immigration checkpoint with a naked midget tied up in the back seat. It only happened once. I was drunk at the time....
I would never carry a plant around in the car, toking or not. I do usually have my grinder and a small piece with me and hit it every once in a while. I keep the speed limit and a very paranoid eye so I don't get pulled over while toking. I did get pulled over vaping once, the cop had no idea after a quick squirt of ozium.
i've been pulled over exactly three times while i was smoking in the car.. the one time the popo was walking up to me car and i had to remind myself to exhale the hit before he got to me window.. don't know how i pulled that shit off to this day.. i nearly shat in my pants when he told me it was cuz me break light was out..
anyhoo's, a spray of frebreeze and lighting up a newport did the trick on each occasion, i don't recommend doing so, but it worked for me in the past..

i've also driven around with a couple of clones in a box in my trunk one time, and it didn't make me poo in me pants nearly ass hard as the times i got pulled over toking.. probably cuz i didn't get pulled over at the time, but i wasn't nervous about it in the least being that they were in a box and looked in me trunk, i figured i was golden...
I got pulled over for weed about 10 years ago when i was stupid about allways carrying a stash on me in my pocket not hidden or nothin. And two of my friends and myself were driving around in a richy section of town at like 3am and clam baking my car. Then i cop was comming twoards us driving on the opposite side of the street. Then when he passed us my dumbass hit the tapped the break(worst thing to do when i cop passes you). Then he pulled me over smelled the weed. Pulled me outta the car asked if i had pot on me i said no lol he reached in my pocket found a quarter of DANK hitme on the back of the head with the sack. Then put me in the cop car my friends got picked up i went to the station for 3hrs. Wasnt a bad night learned my lesson and from that time on i Never carry shit on myself.
i was once pulled over on the way to go pick up a plant to transport. luckiest thing that ever happened to me. guess who DIDN'T speed on the way home...the smell of burned cannabis can be pretty easy to overcome in a car. roll down all the windows and spray something. it helps if you save every air freshener you ever had and store them in a pile under your seat, also.
I keep a can of ozium in the car! it kills the smell fast and doesnt smell like cologne. Ive had cops drive by and stare at me hitting the blunt and just keep going! cops dont really screw with a blue subaru forester!
Has anyone else been pulled over and had a rock hard erection that you simply could not get rid of? It's the worst feeling in the world when you get asked to step outside the car and you have a massive man meat erection. People in cars that drive by are saying things like, "I mean would you just look at that!"
Has anyone else been pulled over and had a rock hard erection that you simply could not get rid of? It's the worst feeling in the world when you get asked to step outside the car and you have a massive man meat erection. People in cars that drive by are saying things like, "I mean would you just look at that!"

I know EXACTLY how you feel man, when the cop asked for me to get out of the car I was just thinking "oh my goosh just look at that..would ya just look at that!". and then you get outta the car and cops just like "would you look at that eh, would ya look at that hes got an erection!! hahahha would ya just look at it!", It's like what am I gonna do!! the only thing you can do is basically jut look at it right?? just look at it and wait for it to go away... but it won't go away cause all your doing is looking at it and looking at everyone else who is looking at it and it's making you nervous!!!
i've also purchased a smoke buddy lately for driving and smoking.. it look like a small lil carbon filter, cuz that is pretty much what it is.. works great so long as your smoking bowls and not j's or blunts cuz with bowls they usually go out in between each hit and with j's, they keep smoking even when your not..