What MJ is good for chronic pain


Well-Known Member
Looks ok to top to me, depends who you ask, there are 100000 ways to do everything with this field. Are you not in Canada? I thought it was legal there or at least medical, also along the same lines, don't Canadians have free health care? So funny when you said the collar helps, before my second surgery, I went back to wearing my hard collar I got after surgery and it was the most helpful. Also the phones where the worst when I worked, if you don't have a headset for work, please get one! It makes a world of difference. Well if you have further questions or whatever feel free to PM me.
I was finally gotten a head set this past week. Yes I am in Ontario. Free health care for sure. Such as going to the hospital or doctor. However taking regular prescriptions I have to pay for. Gets expensive. So if I go to an emergency room. Everything paid for. Prescribed say pain meds blood pressure meds then I pay. Single income here. I will PM you. Thanks. Baby step I guess. Right.


Haha. I work in an extremely toxic environment. Shrooms may be just what I need to get through a day. They are freaks.
I was exposed to toxins at work as well I would fist recommend you seek a Doctor so that it does not go unreported. Lastly I have never done shooms but had a strain of MJ called Pick Rockstar......Wow