What mutant plant is this????


Active Member
Does anybody know what going on with my plant its growing into a mutant.

it has leaves growing different sizes to each other. Some leaves have 3 leaves, some have 4, and some have 5, but each part of the leave are growing to different sizes as well. For example a normaly leave has 5 parts to it and they are all in parportion to each other. But the middle part could be like 3 inches long and then all the others are like 1cm long. This is just a ruff example of what i meant but its really trippy and alll the other plants I have are growing normaly and have none of these symptons.

I have taken a few photos can you please let me no if you have any ideas or know what is goin on with this mutant plant of mine.



Wow thats funny. I'm not a pro, and I can't exactly tell you whats wrong with your plant, but I'd say nothing actually. It is growing unlike anything I've seen yet, but I have a plant thats growing 4 and 5 and one has 6 leaves on it. So thats not uncommon. They may be growing unproportional, but they're still growing. Thats good. Unrelated, we posted a thread at exactly the same time about a plant problem lol.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
It will straighten itself out.
Not the leaves already like that, but more leaves are going to grow over them and just cover them up.
It looks good :D Lol.
perhaps a bad seed? underdeveloped( unripe )seeds do turn out as underdeveloped sickly weird looking plants.
if u remember when u planted the speciffic one , if the seed was ripe it would have dark stripes across itss surface,
otherwise it would be smlaller in comparison with the ripened ones and ligt gray in colour.


Active Member
lol yeah im not sure what the seed looked like the begin with. I was working with bottom of the bag seeds unfortunatly but i sprouted like 100 of the little guys but only selected like the 10 best ones to follow through with. Well thanks for your help and if anyone else reads this and has any ideas please let me no. cheers


Active Member
omg.. do you know what strain that is? its called frankenstein kush. thats why some parts are more mutated than other parts. lol jk ;P

but that looks weird, keep growing it out to see what happens. but they look currently healthy..should be normal
omg.. do you know what strain that is? its called frankenstein kush. thats why some parts are more mutated than other parts. lol jk ;P

but that looks weird, keep growing it out to see what happens. but they look currently healthy..should be normal
Frankenstein Kush WTF?? i need to follow this thread and see were thous "mutants" take u. . .


Active Member
looks like no one is following this thread anymore. The mutant leaves are now larger than the leaves on all my other plants


Active Member
if anyone's still following this thread i put a pic up soon of my mutant 3 weeks off harvest!! yes the mutants live on!