What nutes for my soil? So confused....


Well-Known Member
Have you actually tried it? shit works just fine for my weed. Has npk just like any other fertilizer out there.
It's also made for ornamentals and not food plants or anything else to be consumed and tests very high in heavy metal contamination so go ahead and smoke your toxic weed. Yum-yum.


Well-Known Member
That's why I always inform people that they don't need the whole line of expensive and often redundant supplements they make. I'm going to use hydro nutes regardless and I'd rather buy from a Canadian/American company that I trust than from one that has actively opposed cannabis cultivation since it's inception and makes general hydroponic formulations rather than ones tested with and designed to grow pot.

Plants still feed on the same salts when they are grown in organics too but the bugs have to work to create those salts. That's why "cooking" organic soils is such an important step in getting a real super soil. Gives the bugs time to break down the organic matter into a salt form that the plants can use.

If I used soil like FFOF I'd be more inclined to use a more organic nute for feeding but soils like that aren't available here unless I want to drive 5 hours to the big city to get them and that ain't happening. :) Shipping would cost more than the soil is worth as well.

They don't eat the same salts in organic per say. Microbes not bugs do the work.


Well-Known Member
They don't eat the same salts in organic per say. Microbes not bugs do the work.
I just say bugs as an overall term for microbes, fungi etc that make up a healthy micro-herd. All the ProMix blends I use have mycorhizae in them so like to add a little un-sulfured blackstrap molasses to keep the bugs happy and healthy. Really seems to make the plants happier than just using a straight soilless mix and hydro nutes alone.
