what nutes to use in witch stage? brake it down for me


I'm newish to the site but have looked over a lot that past month. I'm hung up on nutes, what to use, when to use it and what have you...
I know to start off very week on the dosage and with the right soil, you shouldn't have to use any for the first week or two.I plan in using ffof
Iv been looking at the ff trio, will this be all I need? I'm not trying to grow the biggest badest buds you ever did see, I'm just looking to get some "green" on my thumb if you will and hope I make it to harvest lol
So some one "dumb" it up for me.
I'm not looking for "x" brand has 4-8-6 or this brand has x-x-x of n-p-k
I'm looking for use "this" during veg "this" during flower and "this" thrower in the mix.
Every were I look for something explaining notes, its like foran language to me


Well-Known Member
if youre using the ff trio they have a chart out that tells you when to add what nutes at what stage. every nute has a chart just google the nutes youre using and you should be able to find the chart.


Well-Known Member
And you only need the grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom ( or whatever the tiger one is called).