what nuts at what weeks & watering scheduel


1)I have six bubba OG plants that I just changed their light cycle. I've started them on bud blood and a three part bloom base called holland secret or something. I also bought a bloom stimulator called green fuse-this one I want to start giving to the plants now but have heard of overdosing. When should I stop the bud blood and start the stimulator?

2)Also this is my first harvest and all six plants did better than expected in veg. I have them in 5 gal buckets and they are each about 2 feet tall with a soil peat moss mix. In the soil I have a little lime to try to balance the ph of the soil with the peat moss. I was watering every day about a gallon for all six plants alternating nuts to plane water with a little magical. this seem to flush the plants well but I am worried I am not getting them enough water. I rarely get a run off but often will water a second time in the day
so hear are my questions
1)am I watering enough?
2)how often should i give the base nuts and the add. Do both in one watering or separate?

sorry so long and thanks


Active Member
At this stage it is hard to over-water if your using a good mix which it sounds like you are. As far as a feeding scheduel it depends on many factors. The plants requirments, the streangth of your fert mix and the tempeture. Just watch the plants and they will tell you what they need.