What Offends You?



Hebrews 10:19 to 10:25 pretty much covers it.
I thought you knew my shit. Didn't you know that our religious texts require us to have fellowship with each other at places of worship?

"...Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:25

It does not say you're required to go to church in an organized fashion.


Well-Known Member
Man made religion offends me.
War offends me.
The treatment of animals by people offends me.
Ignorance offends me.
The fact that people don't seek out their own answers any more, that really offends me.

This could go on so I'll just boil it all down for y'all..

Humans offend me.


Well-Known Member
bigotry, selfishness, rudeness and being inconsiderate.

When I first read this question, I felt like I was hard to offend. Guess I had the context wrong, because after thinking about my answer, I have realized that I put up with all this shit everyday. Go figure.
i second that. don't usually offend easily but general bad manners, bigotry, ignorance and selfishness just make me feel disgusted with the perpetrator of them

Rabble rabble Rabble rabble Rabble rabble...

Words that offend me.
how can rabble offend you?! it's one of the greatest words ever! no offense though haha

I get offended when my cellmate forgets to spit on his helmet.
god's balls, i love you

Man made religion offends me.
War offends me.
The treatment of animals by people offends me.
Ignorance offends me.
The fact that people don't seek out their own answers any more, that really offends me.

This could go on so I'll just boil it all down for y'all..

Humans offend me.
if i was in a bad mood just now, i would so fully agree with you i'd have almost climbed into my laptop to BECOME that post. when i'm not in a bad mood i tend to have that nagging reminder at the back of my head saying "each to their own" and things like that. but yeah, most of humanity is totally abhorrent imo



Well-Known Member
We're monsters of this world and it's only a small majority of us that can see it.

"We are the music makers,
And we are the dreamers of dreams,
Wandering by lone sea-breakers,
And sitting by desolate streams;—
World-losers and world-forsakers,
On whom the pale moon gleams:
Yet we are the movers and shakers
Of the world for ever, it seems."


Well-Known Member
"it is a god damned lie to say
that these men saved of knew
anything worth any man's pride.
they were professional murderers and they took
their blood money, and impious risks,
and died.
In spite of all their kind, some elements of worth
persist with difficulty, here and there on earth."

it's only really the last 2 lines that are relevant...but i love that epitaph so much. Hugh MacDairmid.


Well-Known Member
pfizer watson and all the pill company's offend me!!! saying that weed is unsafe so eat this pill and youll be better but the side effects can be projectile vomiting ulsers anal bleeding blurred vision and an erection that can last up to eight hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK THAT SMOKE WEED GET THE MUNCHIES GENERALLY FEEL BETTER NO SIDE EFFECTS!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
ready for the list? lol

im offended by people who make fun of those with disabilities, be they mental or physical.

im offended by people who assume they're right, without even looking at the other side of the argument.

im offended by people who have no desire to understand things better. mary jane for example. my mother completely demonizes pot but she refuses to learn anything about it.

im offended by people who want to push their ideals on to others. ie, people who want more religion in politics, schools, etc. and people who are opposed to gay marriage, and people who are fighting this ridiculous drug war. its my life, my body, i can do with it what i please with whomever i please and the nosey people need to learn to fuck off and let other people live their lives the way THEY choose.

im offended by guys who try to pick up girls in a bar to take them home and have sex with them. thats disgusting. what ever happened to courtship, and dating and all that? why cant a guy come up to me at a bar and ask me to dance? why does he have to come up and ask me if i want to leave and fuck him right now? its disgusting.

im offended by overhearing the jerk at the bar who, after being turned down by a bunch of beautiful girls, declares that its going to be a "fat girl night" and then just so happens to approach me on the dance floor because i happen to be the pretty fat girl in the room.

i find it offensive that i have to call a christmas tree a "holiday tree" now just so im not disrespecting another persons faith. so i have to respect your faith, but you dont have to respect mine? right...that makes sense.

im offended by some of my friends boyfriends who've hit on me in the past...right in front of my friend.

and im going to finish this before i write an entire book. im a sensitive person...shoot me. hahaha


Well-Known Member
What do you personally find offensive?

Is it if someone swears in front of your grandma?

Or how bout if someone farts during dinner? :shock:

Are you one to get offended very often? What do you do about it? Do you think you should have any kind of "right" to be protected from the things that you might find offensive?
personly i find my gas very offensive. even made the dog leave the room once.