People asking how much a plant will yield.
People that blame their president for the everything that goes wrong. Its not just one person in the government fucking it up, its all of them.
Cops asking to look in your house.
Cops on your property without absolutely needing them there to save your life.
Cops that force families to snitch on one another through threats when they have no control over the charges.
Cops being behind you on the road for miles without pulling you over or passing.
Cops looking for drug dealers to bust just so they can auction all the dudes shit. Has nothing to do with stopping the drugs, all about acquiring funds.
This civil war on drugs.
Child molesters.
Big biker looking dikes that are always trying to fight men. Lesbians are awesome, bull dikes are not.
Sucker punchers.
People that need oxygen tanks to live asking for cigarettes when they are checking out ahead of you at the gas station.
Getting out of the shower and realizing their is no towel.
Taking a shit and realizing their is no toilet paper.
bravo, well said..
i think i could cut it down some and just say cops in general though..
for me some would be.. hmmm..
super asshole racist people who think that white is right and anything else is the devil, been seeing way too many of them recently.

people in the left hand lane doing 50 mph..
tail gaters.. if i didn't gaf, i'd brake check everyone of them and have them smash into my car..
sue happy people.. eff'in hate when people say, oh, you spilled your hot coffee on you from mcdonalds, you should sue..
lawyers, hate people who make a living off of others misery. completely pisses me the eff off beyond belief.. especially getting a tix and a week later you get 50 letters in the mail from them wanting to "defend" you..
abuse towards women and or animals makes me absolutely livid.
big pharma.. watch tv during the day and i see tons of ads from these drug manufacturers, and than about a minute of them telling you how this new drug may kill you with it's side effects. makes me absolutely sick.
people who don't know the difference between there, their and they're, as well as your and you're, it's not rocket science people, plus it just makes you look uneducated imo, and you could have had the most awesome point up till your misuse of you're, now it's all moot imo..
the war on drugs and the for profit prison industrial complex..
reformed smokers.. fuck, are they ever annoying.. oh, would you mind smoking over there, the smoke smells awful.. bitch please, you've been smoking longer than you could walk, all of a sudden smoke smells bad?? eff you..
people who are late for everything, super huge pet peeve of mine.. my sisters going to be late for her own funeral ffs..
medical marijuana patients who call weed meds.. oh, i'm going to go get my meds.. no m'fer, you're gonna go score a bag, let's call a spade a spade..
mmj patients who only got sick when they found out weed was a cure for w/e it is they had and use mmj as a front to smoke quasi legally..
people who don't want weed fully legal.. no asshole, let's keep sending people to jail for possession of a gram of weed, which has happened to me, twice now..

bible thumpers.. i don't care wtf you believe, but don't be knocking on my door trying to sell it to me.. you don't see me knocking on your door at 8am on a monday telling you i think you're an idiot for believing in god do you?
people who think their country is the greatest thing since sliced bread.. why's it so amazing that two people had sex and you happened to be born here rather than there?
war mongers... i'm pretty pacifist, and i hate people thinking war is anything but the brutal, meaningless killing it is..
family fights.. hate going to a family wing ding and one person saying something and causing a riot.. we're family, is it really that hard to get a long for 4 hours every 4 months ffs?
people who play out their lives on facebook.. don't these idiots know that their shit is public and we can all read wtf they're saying? this kid i went to hs with two weeks ago was saying how much he was looking forward to meeting this new girl from online, a week later he's saying how much he fucking loves her, and can't wait for her to move in with him.. dudes gonna be divorced in a month the way this shit is going..
when people say the most retarded shit on facebook, and you call them on it, and they try and turn it all around and make you look like an asshole.. been happening much too often lately..
fuck it, facebook.. let's just say i hate facebook, but that shit's like crack.
people who come on forums and write like they're texting to their 4 year old kid.. don't get me wrong, i don't use proper punctuation, or caps, but ffs, i think my shit is pretty readable.. come on now people, you can't even write a sentence in proper english without using slang like sup, etc, etc..
people who abbreviate the word nutrients as nuts.. do you not realize it makes you look like an idiot?? wtf are nuts, and why are you feeding them to your plant?
flushers.. how do these people magically think that by dumping water through soil it does anything to the taste or flavor of buds is so beyond me, yet they'll fight you to the death about it..
wangsters.. christ, don't even get me started on this one.. just the most retarded people ever.. might as well lump in internet tough guys here as well.. gotta love someone who is going to hunt you down because they got mad over something you posted on a pot forum.. can you say.. LOSER? lol..
i could go on and on and on, which i already have, i know, but fuck man, a lot of shit pisses me off anymore..