What problem is this?

Should be, you can alternate between neem and spinosad . That’s a pretty standard ipm protocol. If you’ve got fungus gnats just do a soil French with a BTI product like mosquito bits or gnatrol. Even if you do over water them the once it’s not a big deal, i in fact got a bit heavy handed on my BTI drench last night (full saturation with a little runoff) they plants looked sad as hell after14ED1583-5E6D-4E2F-90A1-07821C4162F9.jpegF8173D00-B904-4B4B-9011-F256FA12C5B3.jpeg(peanut butter cookies do not like over moist media)

Then today they woke up like this

Sure, but I can tell you the main problem right now though. You water way to often, those are small plants and small pots let them dry damn near completely until you water them again. When you pick the pot up it should feel damn near empty then water.
Sure, but I can tell you the main problem right now though. You water way to often, those are small plants and small pots let them dry damn near completely until you water them again. When you pick the pot up it should feel damn near empty then water.
I try and do it like you say but my leafs start to drop causing it to stress
That tells me you’re probably root bound, transplant them into larger pots with more soil and rough up the outside of your root ball a bit when you do.
Scrape the sides and bottom a bit your fingers to loosen it up a little when you take it out of the pot, not to much though
Wait for a little dryback before you transplant. Then water to saturation when your done putting it in its new pot.
Wait for a little dryback before you transplant. Then water to saturation when your done putting it in its new pot.
I see I usually wait till it’s light weight then transplant it ame drench the bottom of the soil and mix it and then drench the bottom of the roots and around it with some great white powder mix
That’s a lot of extra unnecessary extra stuff you’re doing. Just put it in the new soil you can still use the great white but put it in your water then top water to full saturation(roughly 20% water to soil volume) and leave em alone for a bit. (A few days)
That’s a lot of extra unnecessary extra stuff you’re doing. Just put it in the new soil you can still use the great white but put it in your water then top water to full saturation(roughly 20% water to soil volume) and leave em alone for a bit. (A few days)
Is that so it can absorb the nutrients and bacteria from the new soil?
That’s because they won’t need watering again for a few days and so you don’t get tempted to further stress them and yourself while they recover. They’re plants, plants require very hands on attention. Pretty much all a growers job is to maintain the environment and provide food/water. Get comfortable leaving them alone and they’ll do much better.
That’s because they won’t need watering again for a few days and so you don’t get tempted to further stress them and yourself while they recover. They’re plants, plants require very hands on attention. Pretty much all a growers job is to maintain the environment and provide food/water. Get comfortable leaving them alone and they’ll do much better.
Thats some pretty spot on advice thank you so much i really appreciate your help