What Qualifies As The Best Day Ever For You?


Active Member
It's a tie between different instances...I say:

Go to King's Dominion (theme park) completely stoned and ride the fuck out of rollercoasters.

Go to a insanely chill concert completely baked.

Ride off to 7 eleven, buy a pack of newports, a few Arnold Palmers, buy some peach rings and a bag of funyuns then head back home to toke to pineapple express and south park, then play some COD/BF2BC and munch on.
and it's always mandatory for me to smoke a cig after i get toasted...it's just the icing on the cake imho.

so what about you guys?

watch a live concert of these bands

the devil wears prada , the demonstration and kill whitney dead

everyday above ground, up right, and sucking air is a good day.

Although nothing can beat a warm summer day, couple of cold Killian's, working on the car....cant beat that with a rubber hose