Nah like i said for instance only to make a 400 watt Cob diy unit your looking at what honestly ??? Canada here cobs after converting to USA not including shipping was 7100.00 for 120 cobs that is a shit load of cash shipping not included specially at currency exchange rates etc ... 3590's only you still need heat sinks holders lens or reflectors like i said wiring and the box now this is for 6000 watts i cold of very easily ordered 16 1215 watt units for the price of cobs
@ 3 pounds per light or lets round it up 20,000 watts so 16 x 3 48 pound harvest you can safely say 6000 watts of Cobs are not going to get them numbers but hey might put them in one green house and do a grow

green house style 300 gallon raised beds live soil that is the plans for now as spring is on its way

or do a 1600 watt indoor but i can not see it more like Fall where i can really guage what is what maybe a 400- 800 watt grow this summer like i said right now rigging up few green houses for up n coming summer
I am lucky thou have a master appliance electrician that does this shit anxious in putting them together as he is also interested in it