What reasons would be to go to hell

dimension 2350

New Member
I don't believe in religion but I had a couple questions and your own personal opinions. I think it's BS about god yet if I died I don't wanna take a chance either. Do you know what I mean? If someone commited suicide is that a real reason to end up in hell?(if it's even real)


Well-Known Member
I don't believe in religion but I had a couple questions and your own personal opinions. I think it's BS about god yet if I died I don't wanna take a chance either. Do you know what I mean? If someone commited suicide is that a real reason to end up in hell?(if it's even real)
I dunno about suicide man but ive commited all the great sins except murder and only a life support machine prevented that so if there is a hell theres a good chance im going there regardless.

but then again what is suicide but willingly putting yourself in a position to die, if I step infront of a train thats suicide, but if jesus hands himself in to the romans knowing hes going to die that isnt?

So is jesus in hell cause he knowingly allowed his own death, does suicide only count if you physically kill yourself or allow another entity to kill you?


New Member
The only sin according to Christianity in which hell is the ONLY option is for those who have heard the word of Christ and turned their backs to it. A classic cult trick of control. It's one of the main tenants of religion.... not believing cannot be forgiven. Cult....


Well-Known Member
i dont believe in religions but i respect them.. im curious about whats like when you die.. to me, i think you simply arent anymore.. in a second you are, and in the other you are not.. gotta enjoy the ride though..


Well-Known Member
The only sin according to Christianity in which hell is the ONLY option is for those who have heard the word of Christ and turned their backs to it. A classic cult trick of control. It's one of the main tenants of religion.... not believing cannot be forgiven. Cult....
i was a methodist kid. i do remember that we had to pray for god to forgive our sins.
so if you don't believe, you don't pray, you won't be forgiven and you'll wind up in hell

i have since come to believe that I don't need god to explain the unexplainable
i take delight in the unexplainable and if god is anywhere, he's in there
but he's not at the so'n'so United Methodist Church

dimension 2350

New Member
i dont believe in religions but i respect them.. im curious about whats like when you die.. to me, i think you simply arent anymore.. in a second you are, and in the other you are not.. gotta enjoy the ride though..
I think it might be like before you were ever born.


Isaiah Chapter 53 verses 1 through 12...Pay special attention to vs 4,5,7,9,and 12 Read several times It will get you out of the valley....You know that man is the only living creature that knows or can conceive the thought of a creator. A dog doesn't know he's a dog, A fish doesn't know it lives in water....welcome home! ~DLK~

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
I don't believe in religion but I had a couple questions and your own personal opinions. I think it's BS about god yet if I died I don't wanna take a chance either. Do you know what I mean? If someone commited suicide is that a real reason to end up in hell?(if it's even real)
This better not have anything to do with your other thread...

dimension 2350

New Member
But we're talking about hell here on this thread.... and that is a Christian invention.
If you wanna get technical. Most people see anything that is a bad place when you die as hell. Something I never got is if the devil is a bad guy and someone is a bad guy why would he punish you for that? If anything it would be a bad persons heaven.


Active Member
im a muslim (NOT a terrorist! so no dickhead comments plz!) and in my religion committing suicide is a sin because we believe that our body is a loan to us from god so we do not own it to harm it.

also hell is not a christian invention it is believed by muslims and catholics too if im not mistaken.

obviously i am not a 'good' muslim boy (growin weed and all !) but i believe we will all be judged for our actions when we die.

EVERYTHING on this earth has a purpose or reason for being here.... if everything just happened then we would have so many things that didnt add up.


New Member
Islamic hell is not the same as Christian hell.

All who are not Islamic all! No matter how pious are doomed to hell in the Qaran.


Well-Known Member
im a muslim (NOT a terrorist! so no dickhead comments plz!) and in my religion committing suicide is a sin because we believe that our body is a loan to us from god so we do not own it to harm it.

also hell is not a christian invention it is believed by muslims and catholics too if im not mistaken.

obviously i am not a 'good' muslim boy (growin weed and all !) but i believe we will all be judged for our actions when we die.

EVERYTHING on this earth has a purpose or reason for being here.... if everything just happened then we would have so many things that didnt add up.
i respect everybody's religion because not all muslims are bad, i guess it's how you interpret it. But anyways believe what you want to because in the end it's you and god and you only got to answer to him.


Active Member
too many versions of religon and hell to answer question specifically, and even when I ask religous questions to die hard christians about who goes to hell and not, and if people who dont know about religon do etc, they don't seem to know exactly either. Im not religous but I think it would be based on how selfless you are in general. That goes against my other theory that every action anyone does is directly or indirecly selfish, but thats another topic.