What should be done with this plant? PICS


Active Member
I started 2 seeds in a modified Aerogarden Extra. 1st seed took and is budding beautifully. However, the 2nd didnt, nor the 3rd, I think it was the 4th. So, meanwhile, other plant is in its 4 weekish point and this baby sprouts. I keep maintaining the AG, catering to the bigger plant. Now, Im close to harvest with the big plant and the younger one is stretching big time and starting to flower. Im sure it because its beeing fed the nute scheduele of the bigger plant. So, after I harvest the bigger plant what should be done with this plant? Flush and adjust nutes?
*both pics same plant, side view shows stretch, top is the only flower I see.


Active Member
Well, The Aerogarden comes with cfl and Ive added some cfl. But, this plant is next to a bigger/older flowering plant in the AG. So, as I raise the light to accommodate the bigger plant its causing the younger 1 to stretch, Also the bigger 1 tends to be hogging the light. I plan to be harvesting the bigger 1 in a few weeks. What should be done with this younger plant? I was thinking: lower lights, flush, adjust nutes. Any ideas?