what should i add to my fox farms ocean forest????


Active Member
im pretty new to this soil also but from my understanding this soil has enough nutrients for about 2-3 weeks then ive heard you will be good for all of veg(depending on how long you do it). If im wrong let me know so I can add that stuff also.


Well-Known Member
Its fine by itself, but if you want you can mix 1 part vermiculite, 1 part perlite, and 3 parts FFOF.


Well-Known Member
I put Light warrior at the bottom of the pot 1/4 the way up...either that or mix FFOF with more perlite...for better drainage.


Active Member
What i add is 1 tablespoon dolomitic lime per gallon of mix and 25% added perlite. Thats it.
So a 1 cu ft is 16 gallons and a fox farms bag is 1.5 cu ft thats 24 gallons a bag. so to a bag u would add 24 tsp of dolomite lime and 8 gallons of perlite. is that correct. u wouldnt add any vermiculite. thanks for the info.....:mrgreen:

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
would the 1/2 ffof 1/2 perlite also be good for starting the seeds off or could u recomend somthing else...thx

keep smokinbongsmilie
I use it the whole way.
Most soil growers add a little perlite.
Some even grow 100% perlite.(Hempy Buckets)
I say, experiment..


Well-Known Member
I'd bust out some worm castings and bone meal for flowering. Worm castings are magic, it would take days to list all the benefits of worm shit to a plant. Maybe some vermiculite for moisture retention. You really don't have to be exact with a mix, just make sure it drains well yet still holds moisture. pH isn't really too important either as long as you don't have huge fluctuations and you start with it generally neutral. Ammonia based Nitrogen will lower your pH where as Urea based will raise it. (This is why miracle grow sucks for growing MJ, it makes your soil Alkaline from the abundance of Urea based Nitrates.)


Active Member
i did what the bag said 50%ffof/50%fflw,started my seeds in fflw,to better help with transplant:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I used FFOF for the first time. The plants do really well in it, my only complaint is that it doesn't hold water at all. I have to water every day during flowering. I was thinking for my next transplant to use 50% FFOF and 50% soiless mix that retains water better.

After looking through some of these posts I'm beginning to think that I just got a bad bag of FFOF. Does anyone else have a problem with poor water retention using FFOF?

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
I used FFOF for the first time. The plants do really well in it, my only complaint is that it doesn't hold water at all. I have to water every day during flowering. I was thinking for my next transplant to use 50% FFOF and 50% soiless mix that retains water better.

After looking through some of these posts I'm beginning to think that I just got a bad bag of FFOF. Does anyone else have a problem with poor water retention using FFOF?
Not me. It retains water well enough that I add a little more perlite for better drainage. It does drain faster than some cheap soils like miracle grow. I did a couple plants in mg alongside my reg stuff and the MG holds water a long time.


Active Member
Im using Ocean forest right now. I did some side by side comparisons. By itself it holds water VERY good. On the one with 1 perlite, 2 Ocean forest, the drainage is more than enough and it still holds water extremely well. And the one with vermiculite, perlite and soil is just too much water. IMHO you dont need that much moisture but it depends on your grow. If you working on a budget, just use the soil and some perlite for root development mainly. The nutrients in it are more than what is posted on the bag. I almost had nute burn with just the soil (and this is off of clones). Dont use all that extra stuff unless you are ok with spending $50 on one pot of soil. And DONT use nutes for at least 1-2 weeks. It has worm castings in it. It has guano in it. It has ALL the nutes you need for 1-2 weeks minimum.